Remember to configure your mails and such from Social Hub and not through other mail/messaging apps.
Samsung Galaxy S2 4G or Iphone 4S???
09-02-12, 02:13 PM
I finally got a phone a few weeks back...was neither the Iphone or the S2, but the it...some little quirks to get around, but learning to live with the workarounds etc....
Ben, no volume issues - the beauty of waiting after the hype of the initial release...battery life is shit, but when only if you run a million things and leave em on i.e. the I'm just a dum guy with a fart phone
Ben, no volume issues - the beauty of waiting after the hype of the initial release...battery life is shit, but when only if you run a million things and leave em on i.e. the I'm just a dum guy with a fart phone

09-02-12, 02:34 PM
I have ordered the Nexus now, seemed cool with the face recognition stuff and the slight curve to it...why I loved my htc hero, for its unusual shape.
EZ- what is a social hub? sounds like pub? can you explain all that to me again but like I am your grandad please?
..... aaah so! clever that social hub thing.
EZ- what is a social hub? sounds like pub? can you explain all that to me again but like I am your grandad please?

..... aaah so! clever that social hub thing.
09-02-12, 03:14 PM
Yeah. It's meant to improve your battery life and reduce your data usage. Overall should be quite handy little thing. Unfortunately Samsung refused to put it on the desktop so most users don't even know it's there and what's it for. Very sad.
09-02-12, 05:29 PM
Got a link mate? Cheers EZ...
Ben , the face recognition thing is cool, but loses its lustre after a while....I stick with the pattern code access....and I don't even notice the curvature...
Ben , the face recognition thing is cool, but loses its lustre after a while....I stick with the pattern code access....and I don't even notice the curvature...
10-02-12, 08:41 AM
I think that Social Hub is only for those GS2's. It should be pre installed on most Galaxy S2's (and first gen Galaxy S as well).
10-02-12, 07:19 PM
I have a Nexus too, the best phone so far i've owned. With the ICS 4.0.2 the battery really improves alot and like Benji i had the Hero before and loved the curved bottom on the phone. And no , there's no Social Hub on the Nexus..
11-02-12, 11:34 AM
Nope not in Nexus. We did it for Samsung G and G2. Nexus comes from Samsung but it's still Googles own thingy and they want to keep their phones clean from third party software.
I've been using Nexus as my secondary for a while. It feels good, but I still think my iPhone 4S is better.
I've been using Nexus as my secondary for a while. It feels good, but I still think my iPhone 4S is better.
11-02-12, 02:31 PM
Nexus is kind of big, innit?
If God gives you lemons you should find a new God
11-02-12, 04:30 PM
Yeah but better size than SGS2, it is really more comfortable to handle..
11-02-12, 05:11 PM
Go big or go home Lorrie LOL....BUT once the IC OS is available for the S2/2X etc, those will run faster as i believe they have a slightly faster processor...not that one gives a shit, as it's all quite the same with these models....
11-02-12, 05:34 PM
You are so right! The advantage of the Nexus is that you'll get the updates for the OS much faster then everybody else..
08-03-12, 09:23 AM
Hey there is no self timer on the Nexus camera? Stoooopid 
Oh well no pics of my Wellies today.

Oh well no pics of my Wellies today.
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