SBTG X Puma X Mita
30-11-15, 08:14 PM
Certainly a more interesting camo pattern than you usually see
30-11-15, 09:03 PM
It's SBTG signature pattern, based on tiger camo. If you paint it in the right order it is really easy, but the overall effect looks great. The brands are steadily embracing him. Good luck to him, he works hard.
01-12-15, 04:59 PM
Like the uppers but that sole unit doesn't look too good, I'd have preferred the standard States or Suede sole unit . But yeah, the camo's nice still.
Supe like Wanton, Buju like Banton
01-12-15, 09:04 PM
All that SS said. Although I'd go a step further and suggest that they mangled it with those sole units.
Rock the Shells
02-12-15, 08:57 AM
If someone gets them and wants to flip for a states sole. I'll do that no prob. I'm guessing they'll match the upper fine.
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