Hi all, the name is Trevor. I have always loved superstars and thought they were fresh. I also have always worn adidas since my early days. How I came to become a tad obsessed was a funny story. I got my first pair from a site called shoebacca.com. I got the ones with red stripes and a red bottom, also with red stitch. I got them in a ten and could tell I needed a half size smaller. Plus, I think I got the narrow size on accident. They went into the closet. I was rocking some suede campus' until they got raggedy. I went to the closet to sell them. I saw them on my girlfriend's little brother. The little bastard stole them! Anyway, the real obsession came when I went back to the site and all they had was a 7 and a 17. I went for the second option which was the red stripes and an all black bottom. They were out of my size in that model too! I emailed them and they said they would not be re-stocking that in a 9.5 ever again! Ahh! So, I looked everywhere for weeks. No luck anywhere. I settled for one of the most common pairs. The black with white stripes. I joined this forum because I figured people as passionate as you could help me with some advice. I've searched the forum and can't find any posts about how to find them or which sites are good for rare colors of superstars. Also, may I vent about how frustrating it is to look them up when they all are called the same thing! Superstar 2 or II. Plus I wish I knew which ones had the interchangeable stripes? I've seen them called r5 w5 b5 and IS. Which is which? Any help would be greatly appreciated and I look forward to learning a lot from you all
Frustrated new collector here
11-07-11, 08:34 AM
That was a funny story?
It must be a hoot round yours!
The ones with the interchangeable stripes are called Adicolors.
R5 were red, W5 were white and so on.
IS stands for, yeah, you guessed it.
It must be a hoot round yours!
The ones with the interchangeable stripes are called Adicolors.
R5 were red, W5 were white and so on.
IS stands for, yeah, you guessed it.
11-07-11, 11:21 AM
bigtrev living on the edge !!

repunzal,repunzal let down ya hair so i can climb up and get into ya underwear.
11-07-11, 01:22 PM
if you know what the Art Number is then it will be less frustrating for you trying to find a replacement.
if you know what the Art Number is then it will be less frustrating for you trying to find a replacement.
11-07-11, 04:05 PM
How do I locate the art number on the box? Is 9.5 THE most popular size? I search and find so many pairs I want. Then I search the same thing with "9.5" after it and maybe one page of shit comes up!
Honestly, you guys I collect power rangers. A fuckload of them. I have a lot and I belong to a forum much like this about power rangers collecting. There is a buy/sell/trade portin of that site which often helps me find the things I cannot find elsewhere. Usually at a much more reasonable price. That is one main reason I joined, is so I can buy them from you guys.
If anyone is interested in my ranger obsession, I got pics. I want to get some bk5's in a 9.5 so I can make custom ranger stripes for them! Can't find the bk5 in my size anywhere!
About shoebacca, I kind of flipped out on them and I feel bad. I looked up the badass SS's with the red stripes and red bottom. Requested it and got a reply they would never be restocked. I tried the red stripe. Again, will never restock. I got so frustrated I said "Why advertise a shoe you will never restock? Only a 7 and a 17? are you kidding me?" I feel bad. I hope they forgive me.
One more vent: Fuck chucks. I walked around the mall one day (looking for adidas) and I was wearing some cheap ass chucks. They destroyed my feet and I couldn't walk right for weeks. From that day forward I swore only to wear adidas. WHY is it that stupid shoe is always available in s many colors, but SS's are only available in the really common colors??!! Damn it! I just want the red fucking stripes!! Agghhh!
P.S. I amgoing to beat my girlfriend's brother's little ass for stealing my apparently rare ass SS's and putting his
ing feet in them. (He doesn't bathe often)
Honestly, you guys I collect power rangers. A fuckload of them. I have a lot and I belong to a forum much like this about power rangers collecting. There is a buy/sell/trade portin of that site which often helps me find the things I cannot find elsewhere. Usually at a much more reasonable price. That is one main reason I joined, is so I can buy them from you guys.
If anyone is interested in my ranger obsession, I got pics. I want to get some bk5's in a 9.5 so I can make custom ranger stripes for them! Can't find the bk5 in my size anywhere!
About shoebacca, I kind of flipped out on them and I feel bad. I looked up the badass SS's with the red stripes and red bottom. Requested it and got a reply they would never be restocked. I tried the red stripe. Again, will never restock. I got so frustrated I said "Why advertise a shoe you will never restock? Only a 7 and a 17? are you kidding me?" I feel bad. I hope they forgive me.
One more vent: Fuck chucks. I walked around the mall one day (looking for adidas) and I was wearing some cheap ass chucks. They destroyed my feet and I couldn't walk right for weeks. From that day forward I swore only to wear adidas. WHY is it that stupid shoe is always available in s many colors, but SS's are only available in the really common colors??!! Damn it! I just want the red fucking stripes!! Agghhh!
P.S. I amgoing to beat my girlfriend's brother's little ass for stealing my apparently rare ass SS's and putting his

11-07-11, 04:10 PM
You are quite the ANGRY MAN, ain't ya?
Take a deep breath and go and chill. This forum is for easy going folks.
Take a deep breath and go and chill. This forum is for easy going folks.

'All sins tend to be addictive and the terminal point of addiction is damnation.' - W H Auden
11-07-11, 04:11 PM
This is getting strange.
If God gives you lemons you should find a new God
11-07-11, 04:19 PM
superstars not available in colours??

Power Rangers?? really?

Power Rangers?? really?
" shocking cock-up, the mice were furious "
11-07-11, 04:46 PM
I'm not usually the angry type. I'm a chill dude who just wants those damn shoes.
and yes, power rangers. Anyone born around 86 was around 6 or 7 when it debuted and it was fucking epic from 93 to about 95. At that point it fell off and never reached that same level of popularity. I was into it when moms were going to target at 6 in the morning to fight other moms over the green ranger. Anyone know what I mean? The toys from that time are crazy rare. Check out mighty morphin power rangers morpher on ebay if you don't believe me. I've seen those fuckers go for 2 and 3 hundred dollars. No joke.
Back to superstars. Where do I get them?
and yes, power rangers. Anyone born around 86 was around 6 or 7 when it debuted and it was fucking epic from 93 to about 95. At that point it fell off and never reached that same level of popularity. I was into it when moms were going to target at 6 in the morning to fight other moms over the green ranger. Anyone know what I mean? The toys from that time are crazy rare. Check out mighty morphin power rangers morpher on ebay if you don't believe me. I've seen those fuckers go for 2 and 3 hundred dollars. No joke.
Back to superstars. Where do I get them?
11-07-11, 05:02 PM
I feel the same about barbie, some people can be quite obsessive about 'things'. Consumer generation!
11-07-11, 05:08 PM
I actually remember wanting to steal the green ranger from a friend when I was 6. No one else seemed to have him! Hhaha. That sucks about that guy wearing your sneaks, but a lot of people just dont see why it would matter if they'd been sitting somewhere for months/years. I can tell you I was the same as a young teen.
11-07-11, 05:08 PM
I remember power rangers I'm about the same age loved them I did but I never had any toys got my brothers handed down ghost buster and a mutant turtle.
11-07-11, 05:10 PM
Back to superstars..
do your own homework like the rest of us had to.
do your own homework like the rest of us had to.
" shocking cock-up, the mice were furious "
11-07-11, 05:15 PM
They made the green ranger almost impossible to get by producing far fewer copies of him compared to others. you might be surprised at how much "after market" power rangers merchandise there is. I have there solid metal gold plated coins that were made by fans and sold on ebay. I want to get those bk5's, make custom green ranger stripes and put green fat laces
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