ok so i ran across a pair of adidas Mountain Dew Green SuperStar kicks online, they are off da chain but i cant find a web site to purchase them its basically the only kicks i want right now after i saw them, could u all help a playa out send a link or something private message me even if you reply send a private message so i get the email notification.
Been looking for this Superstar kicks Online Help
11-07-10, 02:06 PM
Man goes into cage. Cage goes in the salsa. Sharks in the salsa. Our shark!
11-07-10, 02:08 PM
Your best bet is to wait till you see some your size on ebay.. Its a bit of a lottery though.
'I paid for the suede!'
11-07-10, 02:14 PM
No, his best bet is to frigging well introduce himself properly, or bugger off and google
Don't touch the hair

11-07-10, 02:14 PM
the problem is i dont see them selling anywhere online if you know a spot please leave the link right here kool
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