Strange question to be asking... but know where to buy any? lol
Adidas boxershorts
12-06-10, 09:32 PM
Favourite SSDB quote:
I would wear them and grab people in the street and say "look how fucking sweet these kicks are!" (Sneakerphile)
Poor Sod's Photography
IG: @70jeppe
I would wear them and grab people in the street and say "look how fucking sweet these kicks are!" (Sneakerphile)
Poor Sod's Photography
IG: @70jeppe
14-06-10, 07:12 AM
You wish

Favourite SSDB quote:
I would wear them and grab people in the street and say "look how fucking sweet these kicks are!" (Sneakerphile)
Poor Sod's Photography
IG: @70jeppe
I would wear them and grab people in the street and say "look how fucking sweet these kicks are!" (Sneakerphile)
Poor Sod's Photography
IG: @70jeppe
14-06-10, 12:22 PM
What is this "Google" I keep hearing about???
I tell ya, you crazy kids and ya interweb.
In my day we leant out the window and shouted questions at passing strangers!!!
I tell ya, you crazy kids and ya interweb.
In my day we leant out the window and shouted questions at passing strangers!!!
Man goes into cage. Cage goes in the salsa. Sharks in the salsa. Our shark!
14-06-10, 03:49 PM

In the seventies when my brother and his friends were sitting in his room listening to some Alice Cooper record or what ever

"Ugh, electric guitars..."

Favourite SSDB quote:
I would wear them and grab people in the street and say "look how fucking sweet these kicks are!" (Sneakerphile)
Poor Sod's Photography
IG: @70jeppe
I would wear them and grab people in the street and say "look how fucking sweet these kicks are!" (Sneakerphile)
Poor Sod's Photography
IG: @70jeppe
16-06-10, 08:35 PM
Tried google, only thing it brings up after an hour of searching around is swimming trunks

16-06-10, 09:00 PM
found some in Japan (Ratuken) after 30 secs on google
Don't touch the hair

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