Knitted Superstar Slippers
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08-06-10, 03:33 PM
That is pretty awesome!
"SSDB does not condone or promote wack behaviour"
08-06-10, 03:33 PM
Sweet! Supes I could wear indoors at home. Need to convince my mom to knit me those instead of the pair of woollen socks every Christmas.

Doing nothing is very hard to do... you never know when you're finished.
- Leslie Nielsen
08-06-10, 03:46 PM
Quality :p
If you have £5 and Chuck Norris has £5, Chuck Norris has more money than you.
08-06-10, 03:47 PM
Top find J, think thats all our Christmas presents sorted.

What you wear on your feet is a mark of the man you are.
08-06-10, 04:00 PM

Favourite SSDB quote:
I would wear them and grab people in the street and say "look how fucking sweet these kicks are!" (Sneakerphile)
Poor Sod's Photography
IG: @70jeppe
I would wear them and grab people in the street and say "look how fucking sweet these kicks are!" (Sneakerphile)
Poor Sod's Photography
IG: @70jeppe
08-06-10, 10:03 PM
Wow, that is indeed pretty cool.
09-06-10, 12:07 AM
haha! A nice idea!
"SSDB does not condone or promote wack behaviour"
09-06-10, 04:19 AM
They're good but Nana Shellshock would piss all over them, she's like the SEEN of the knitting world, runs her own knitting crew and everything. She reckons she could reproduce one of my graff pieces in 3-D knitted form if I give her a big enough photo

Supe like Wanton, Buju like Banton
09-06-10, 10:28 AM
Realy cool Slippers...
Going to get them... Yes i am, they will come to me in time
I still need: Motowns - philly blunt - 35th RHCP - 35th Run DMC - Run DMC 80s “My adidas†- halloween - Footpatrol - Undefeated - BBQ
09-06-10, 11:28 AM
Man goes into cage. Cage goes in the salsa. Sharks in the salsa. Our shark!
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