aHHHHHHH YEAH THAT was on the news the tother day about becoming a uni in its own right. It has a bloody good reputation for its teaching qualifications. But I dont have any real knowledge on the best courses for teaching. But there are a few teachers in here who might help.
Where to live in UK?
22-10-09, 11:33 PM
Eight and a closing bracket. 
fc helpful

fc helpful
'All sins tend to be addictive and the terminal point of addiction is damnation.' - W H Auden
22-10-09, 11:36 PM
I think it's the GTP route I'm on, not 100% sure though. I think the 4 year course ends with QTS status, gonna have to ask that on saturday. The 3 year B.Ed doesn't have QTS attached to it, I'll just have to start asking questions like mad. Hopefully primary education, don't think I'd enjoy teaching older kids as much. The
is because you have "8" and ")" together.

22-10-09, 11:45 PM
Indeed you are FC . . . wasn't sure what was going on there.
- that one was deliberate
Really? The B.Ed doesn't get you QTS? Are you sure?
You'd still have to do an NQT year whichever way you go I think? Could be wrong. You're on proper pay scale then though.
Go for it anyway fella, it's a great job, knackering but very very rewarding, first job I've done that I really enjoy and I've done a lot of different stuff.

Really? The B.Ed doesn't get you QTS? Are you sure?
You'd still have to do an NQT year whichever way you go I think? Could be wrong. You're on proper pay scale then though.
Go for it anyway fella, it's a great job, knackering but very very rewarding, first job I've done that I really enjoy and I've done a lot of different stuff.
22-10-09, 11:54 PM
Same here, although I've not done too many other jobs, I do love the teaching. The 4 year course explicitly mentions gaining QTS upon completion whereas the three year courses don't (BA in Education - is that even the same as B.Ed??). Again, gotta look into it more as there are so many different options I'm right confused at the moment.
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