Just started sorting my shit out for applying to uni's. Just wondering what people have to say about their city. Looking especially at Leeds and Reading but help with any place is good stuff. Trying to keep price down so trying not to wander too far sawf but it ain't my main concern - just looking for somewhere I'm gonna be at home at.
Where to live in UK?
21-10-09, 08:12 PM
My cousin just started at leeds uni but said it was very inpersonal,very cattle market like,just a number in the crowd at the actual uni but Leeds itself is a fabulous city got everything u want.
My cousins just transfered to barnsley from leeds now says its alot better on the study side of things and there nuff going on in barnsley itself as well.
My cousins just transfered to barnsley from leeds now says its alot better on the study side of things and there nuff going on in barnsley itself as well.
It's not the size of the feet!!it's the amount of quality on em
21-10-09, 08:48 PM
Leeds has an ace social scene and the university has a good reputation depending on what you want to study. Leeds has the biggest single campus in the country (well it did when i was there 2000 - 03. The areas near the university are very student friendly with a good mix of students, dossers, nutters and yoiung proffesionals. Making for really good community spirit with lots going for everyone. You can become a little closseted as to whats in the rest of the city but that doenst really matter when you are just finding your feet in a new place rome wasnt built in a day. Its like a little town in a city. Cost of living in comparison to other parts of the country am not sure but on average rental prices vary but on average your looking at £50 pppw in shared accomodation. The universitys have there own call it estate agents that provide student housing other than halls. They set standards that landlords have to adear too. Which is good as there are some propper con artists out there. Anything else you want to know just ask. I studied in Leeds loved it and never left. I have now been here 9 years. I did love LS6 student land but working shifts it got too noisy and I had to leave which was sad. There are alot of rich kids come to Leeds uni and it can be a bit snobby but that can happen anywhere.
21-10-09, 09:08 PM
I haven't read any of the above but go to Leeds.
Reading is a fucking dive !
Reading is a fucking dive !
21-10-09, 10:01 PM
Leeds is fantastic, move here now!
all day i dream and shine.
21-10-09, 10:02 PM
21-10-09, 10:15 PM
That's a bit easy then isn't it
Cheers lads and lasses. Any other recomendations?

21-10-09, 10:17 PM
Yeah n u got two old codgers who will come play at being students with you if u get desperate.
21-10-09, 11:01 PM
You couldn't any worse than choosing a Northern uni (L'pool, Newcastle, Manchester, Sheffield) all have their good and bad points but where else are you gonna get ropey sex mad bints, cheap pints and gravy to go on yer chips? 
I lived in Caversham nr Reading for a few years nice place, but I wouldn't like to be a stoodant there.
fc L'pool 94-99

I lived in Caversham nr Reading for a few years nice place, but I wouldn't like to be a stoodant there.
fc L'pool 94-99
'All sins tend to be addictive and the terminal point of addiction is damnation.' - W H Auden
21-10-09, 11:03 PM

My friends call me Hadouken! Cause im down, right, fierce!
21-10-09, 11:10 PM
The general degree that most stoodants do:
How To Survive On Very Little Money In A Crazy City Sharing A House With Lunatics Whilst Trying To Get Laid And Have A Good Time.
HND Computing and BSc Applied Computer Technology when I could fit it in.
fc got a desmond
How To Survive On Very Little Money In A Crazy City Sharing A House With Lunatics Whilst Trying To Get Laid And Have A Good Time.
HND Computing and BSc Applied Computer Technology when I could fit it in.

fc got a desmond

'All sins tend to be addictive and the terminal point of addiction is damnation.' - W H Auden
21-10-09, 11:19 PM

Its interesting to see what people have, especially when im climbing the ladder meself.
My friends call me Hadouken! Cause im down, right, fierce!
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