So here it is.

You gentlemen are all wrong here I'm afraid....
I use a computer in the Computer Center here on base. I believe everyone is routed through the server here. I'm not to computer savvy though.
I bought the 35th's from another Marine. He said the box was damaged in his storage unit and he was selling stuff because he was about to deploy. I think I told him i'd give him $300 for them....
Looking back, the guy was kind of a dumb ass. He practically gave them away at that price. Seems there is some sort of feud I have stumbled into here. I sense some paranoia here
I joined this community so I could maybe help someone with their collection, or further my own. So why am I banned?
I will be getting out of the Marine Corps here in September, because I have been away from my family for too long, I want to see my little girl grow up and I want nothing to do with this North Korea crap. It would be nice to be able to use this community when I am home and not have to lurk through here for the knowledge I seek.
Why didn't someone even email me about this?
Can't we all just get along?