Not that smart lol.. What I meant was more about what is chucked out when the encoding is taking place. I agree what you are listening on makes a huge difference to what you can pick out frequency wise, but personally the low and high sound so different in my head. Although the compression Mike mentions, is shit too
. When these kids have their drums so heavily compressed the result would be mashed frequencies. Hip hop like dilla has a lot to answer for.. God love him.
Just read the wiki stuff on MP3 as it has been a while since I read up on this, the Sound on Sound recording books are great btw. Anyway at a high bit rate I shouldn't perceive any difference
but i have big ears and ear canals (in ear headphone are a nightmare) so maybe looking like dumbo has something to do with it?
I'm great at listening in to conversations too.

Just read the wiki stuff on MP3 as it has been a while since I read up on this, the Sound on Sound recording books are great btw. Anyway at a high bit rate I shouldn't perceive any difference

I'm great at listening in to conversations too.