Indeed. I like every one of them.
The Mi-Adidas Gallery.
22-12-11, 05:11 AM
really nice D.! love your work!

whack lacing is killing your shoes!
22-12-11, 09:04 AM
fucking awesome work... man someones got some cash flow! lol
22-12-11, 10:51 AM
very nice Dave!!!! nice and simple!!

repunzal,repunzal let down ya hair so i can climb up and get into ya underwear.
22-12-11, 11:34 AM
Shit!!!! They are nice mate. Gotta get myself some in the new year.
Was playing with the creator yesterday, getting some ideas. Also had a mess around with the forum mids too.
Was playing with the creator yesterday, getting some ideas. Also had a mess around with the forum mids too.
Man goes into cage. Cage goes in the salsa. Sharks in the salsa. Our shark!
22-12-11, 03:47 PM
What everyone else has said..Topstuff D 
The day adidas decide to do Mi-superstar 80s i'm in a whole load of trouble

The day adidas decide to do Mi-superstar 80s i'm in a whole load of trouble

It's not the size of the feet!!it's the amount of quality on em
22-12-11, 04:08 PM
Or vins! VINS! V I N S ! ! ! !
Just sit back and contemplate mi-vins.
Just sit back and contemplate mi-vins.
If God gives you lemons you should find a new God
22-12-11, 04:12 PM
They would be beyond epical!
They would be beyond epical!
If you have £5 and Chuck Norris has £5, Chuck Norris has more money than you.
22-12-11, 05:09 PM
that's a lot of pics bro. i remember when members would get bashed for posting multiple pics of the same shoe(s) in the same post
(aka olskool720).
i don't know Lurk. white soles on all of them?
couldn't mix it up and create something truly different? like contrasting stitching around the sole? don't get me wrong. cool color combos (although blue/white seen that before in a regular issued Supe and i think there's been a blue/orange and even a gray/red... i'm sure someone will correct me if i'm wrong). i mean dang dude, no constrasting tongue or eyelets or eyelet strips?!?! what color laces did you order with them? matching or contrasting? and why on the aqua/teal model did you not go with the dark blue stitching instead of white for "SSDB.COM"?!
that's a lot of money for 5 pairs of shoes. kudos to you for forking out the bank for them
you're good for a few years now? right!
let me write that down and see if it holds true
i guess my ranting is pure jealousy
that i can't fork out moola for .... or is it, don't have the courage to face my wife upon receiving 5 pairs of customized Supes

i don't know Lurk. white soles on all of them?

that's a lot of money for 5 pairs of shoes. kudos to you for forking out the bank for them

22-12-11, 05:21 PM
24-12-11, 09:51 AM
Great Job Lurky. Like them all. Especially the orange striped

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