"Look the postie dun brung me some supes.." (part 4)
02-06-11, 09:08 PM

It's not the size of the feet!!it's the amount of quality on em
02-06-11, 09:20 PM
They are fuckin' lovely. Isn't about time for a collection-thread Fritze?
Robert147 is now Squeaky

02-06-11, 09:23 PM
Thanks Rob. I had the same feeling as I saw them on ebay. And luckily changed my highest bid in the last minute. Otherwise I would have missed them 
Haha ... your right. I think I can do my own collection thread. Let's see how much photos I can take on the weekend

Haha ... your right. I think I can do my own collection thread. Let's see how much photos I can take on the weekend

02-06-11, 09:43 PM
02-06-11, 09:49 PM

It's not the size of the feet!!it's the amount of quality on em
03-06-11, 09:07 AM
very nice pick up fritze!
lovely they are. and yes, i´ve got the blue version of these.

whack lacing is killing your shoes!
03-06-11, 10:32 AM
wow. im super envious of these. so so nice! any UK10.5s aboot hit me up!
03-06-11, 12:21 PM
Yes I have the blue ones from you Pokey that I got for a packet of chewits
but still I like red more :p

03-06-11, 12:41 PM
Quality pick up Fritze, very nice!

(__\\\_] [_///__)
03-06-11, 03:27 PM
I got a uk7 pair still carly but they suffer from defective inner leather peeling.
Give us a shout if u want em
Give us a shout if u want em
It's not the size of the feet!!it's the amount of quality on em
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