whack lacing is killing your shoes!
"Look the postie dun brung me some supes.." (part 4)
28-06-10, 09:31 PM
I think I was just wondering generally as they seem to be rare gems.
28-06-10, 10:05 PM
all ebay items
and i know, mr. P. love these crk´s!

whack lacing is killing your shoes!
28-06-10, 10:20 PM
The CRK's are minging !
Not jealous about them at all !
Not jealous about them at all !
29-06-10, 11:16 AM
29-06-10, 12:13 PM
God-fucking-damn-it, everytime I see those orange ones I get into a rage!!!!!
I want them NOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Man goes into cage. Cage goes in the salsa. Sharks in the salsa. Our shark!
29-06-10, 12:21 PM
Like them a lot tony Seen them on the bay a few times been tempted to get them.
29-06-10, 12:30 PM
29-06-10, 12:49 PM
29-06-10, 02:47 PM
Must admit, I wouldn't have let the oranges pass if they were my size....and I had the funds
Rob I thought you would have definitely snapped them up being an Oranje and all that
Rob I thought you would have definitely snapped them up being an Oranje and all that
Don't touch the hair

29-06-10, 02:54 PM
Oranges are UK10 and they are spot on even though I'm usually 9.5 or even 9 in some supes. So if you are after those I suggest to get your self a bit larger than what you usually rock.
29-06-10, 03:04 PM
^^^ Damn - I could have got them then
Don't touch the hair

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