What's been said.
I've not been here actively that long either but have been following the forums for much much longer and honestly couldn't care less what others think of the supes I have as long as I love them. I'm not looking for anyone's approval on the internet, never have on any of the forums I frequent nowadays. I just enjoy the vibe of this community and if along the side I'm able to find some sweet supes to wear, that's a nice bonus.
If I join a forum or any social network thingy and if it's worth my attention, I don't tend to leave anytime soon. There are a few forums where I've been posting for over 10 years by now so when I find a nice place, I'm there to stay.
I've always loved supes and as a perfectionistic and neurotic (

) collector and materialist and whatever else, I truly found the calling to start collecting supes a few years before I registered here even if I have since bought pretty damn many pairs compared to my pre-SSDB days, I never buy more than I can afford and collect purely for my own pleasure so I can wear something I enjoy wearing and glance all the shells filling up my apartment with an amazed look like I'm doing with some of my other collecting hobbies.
Don't have even half the (re)sources many of you have but if possible, I've always been trying to help people with their problems, no matter whether it's finding supes or good music, people with similar interests, struggling with personal issues,... anything really.