"Look the postie dun brung me some supes.." (part 4)
05-05-10, 12:12 PM
Yeh the nbhds are nice, but I wouldn't buy a pair, they don't compare to tates or fp's I think

05-05-10, 12:14 PM
Or d-mops imo but i never have liked or seen the appeal with the NBHDS..Nice pickup though and a good price as well normally silly money for them things
It's not the size of the feet!!it's the amount of quality on em
05-05-10, 12:29 PM
pukka, I know about the less padding and all. I went true to my normal size with these tho as I tried on the first drop in the series, the Eldridge "skates" and half size down they were actually slightly tighter for me than any of the 80's I have. Unlike these black suede ones, I still don't find the Eldridges appealing enough for £60, perhaps if I could find them for -50% or something.
Doing nothing is very hard to do... you never know when you're finished.
- Leslie Nielsen
05-05-10, 01:05 PM
yeah wernt feeling the white Eldridges myself.. but a black suede 80, now im listining..lol
05-05-10, 02:38 PM
lovely skates pukka mate. They are tempting me haaard!
"SSDB does not condone or promote wack behaviour"
05-05-10, 03:03 PM
Got myself a pair of the black suede sk80's last week and they are mad comfy – highly recommended

Superstars are indeed super...
05-05-10, 04:10 PM
Those are real nice Pukka! These skates are growing on to me, the more i see em.
Hey, what are you doing here, I thought I told you to go fuck your mother.

05-05-10, 05:29 PM
Whoa Pukki - quality pair mate! I don't have any skates, but that there would help turn me onto em! Congrats on a lush pickup

05-05-10, 05:33 PM
Yep, felling those bigtime, nice one Pukka.
all day i dream and shine.
05-05-10, 05:43 PM
(05-05-10, 08:30 AM)airtechchallenge1 Wrote: well, for what it's worth, those nbhd's are easily the best of all the 35th's...UNDFTD's are second IMO.
I refer the honourable gentleman to this thread . . .
favourite 35ths
. . . not that I'm biased at all . . .
. . . although would love some NBHDs

05-05-10, 09:50 PM
Arrived back from my wee holiday to find my Underworlds had been delivered
no pics ATM, but I'm pretty stoked, they've been a while coming

the boy with the three stripes
05-05-10, 10:01 PM
Congrats deftone! I'm still waiting my pair to arrive, haven't found it yet though.
05-05-10, 10:30 PM
KT, Superstarr & samo.. you definatly gotta cop em.. they are propa nice, and a great gateway supe.. leading onto the "harder" superstar skate, lol.... gotta say cheers to lurking for me getting em.. he told me where they was avaliable
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