I am not sure but I think 9 was the biggest size they had.
"Look the postie dun brung me some supes.." (part 4)
21-11-09, 12:59 AM
Some lovely picks ups Sk8 and Rob. BBQ's are possibly my fave supes, I was so happy I got hold of a brand new pair over the summer, still havn't rocked them yet though! And those all black vins are suh-weeeet Rob! Nice one!
"SSDB does not condone or promote wack behaviour"
21-11-09, 03:24 PM
Just been up Cheshire Oaks adidas outlet. The usual piss poor selection of 'orrible supes no one wants to buy. They did have those vins that Lurkey got for £45 ish. Didn't get them as they didn't have any 9 and a half's and I'm hanging on in the hope they'll get some of the orange SS II's sometime before Chritmas...
21-11-09, 08:09 PM
It seems that all the outlets have the same models
Even different countries have the same models. Did they have the white vins in size 10 GeeBee? If so, planning another visit soon?

21-11-09, 09:01 PM
If I'm back up there I'll have a look for you Robert. Might not be for a bit, parking can be a nightmare.
21-11-09, 09:44 PM
Thanks mate! Parking at the Outlet in Holland was great. Loads of parkingspace. I did hear that weekends are a nightmare too.
23-11-09, 08:23 PM
23-11-09, 09:36 PM
I don't want 'em. I noticed them while I was surfing the web for supes. Then I recognized these shoes because Lurking just got 'em. But what do you with 'goes to shit'? Is the paint coming of?
23-11-09, 09:44 PM
What pure means is they look shit to start with and just keep getting shitter.
all day i dream and shine.
23-11-09, 10:31 PM
^ hater :p
"SSDB does not condone or promote wack behaviour"
23-11-09, 10:52 PM
Nail. On. Head.
Pretty much.
The look alrightish when mint but the cracks soon expand and they end up looking pink.
Pretty much.
The look alrightish when mint but the cracks soon expand and they end up looking pink.
24-11-09, 01:08 AM
^ Send them too spite then.
Always has the answer to lifes dilemas.
24-11-09, 01:21 AM
^oh snap... girlfriend... etc. lol
edit: urgh... so we're gonna start playing this game again
edit: urgh... so we're gonna start playing this game again
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