hi im hollywood from hampshire...i need help please....i just won an adidas hoodie on you guessed it...ebay!! its black with a big gold trefoil on the front and adidas written underneath. it doesnt have the r on it with the circle round it (does it mean trademark?) it has a small white label on the neck with adidas written on it but is stitched on badly. it has no other tags no wash label on the inside waist. i bought it brand new with tags and the tag is white and flimsy with the black trefoil, adidas and 3 stripes... please can somebody let me know if this is the real mccoy thanks.
fake adidas hoodie
02-10-08, 09:52 PM
hey man
I wouldnt be able to help you but some of the other guys here probably can.
To make things a little bit easier for yourself, and these guys, it would probably help them if you posted a picture up of the hoody and the tags.
hope its legit!
take care.
I wouldnt be able to help you but some of the other guys here probably can.
To make things a little bit easier for yourself, and these guys, it would probably help them if you posted a picture up of the hoody and the tags.
hope its legit!
take care.
02-10-08, 10:10 PM
thanks i have tried uploading a pic but it wont do it for some reason!! will keep trying though.
02-10-08, 10:21 PM
Sounds fake.. How much did you pay and what was the ebay item number.
Oh.. and this is a superstar forum BTW..
Oh.. and this is a superstar forum BTW..

" shocking cock-up, the mice were furious "
02-10-08, 11:16 PM
220284934886 i know im really sorry but this is my only hope. i typed it in google and no other site would have been able to help. I paid £36 with £5.99 p and p (although it arrived in a ripped bin bag..not happy!)....i have just looked through the pics of the hoodie on the listing and in all of them the hood is covering the neck label..bit dodgy but didnt think at the time!!
03-10-08, 10:15 AM
The 1st thing would be the use of the word 'tefoil'.....
Its a fake, screenprinted and shite essentially. If you paid via Paypal get your cash back ASAP. Ask the person to explain the fake and if it is a shoddy reply, report them too!! Can we close this now and yes, its SSDB....
Its a fake, screenprinted and shite essentially. If you paid via Paypal get your cash back ASAP. Ask the person to explain the fake and if it is a shoddy reply, report them too!! Can we close this now and yes, its SSDB....

www.rareadidas.com Sell Your Rarities Here
www.mrshoeshotta.com Best on the Internet
www.theadidashunter.co.uk Find those soops!
03-10-08, 10:26 AM
** C L O S E D **
" shocking cock-up, the mice were furious "
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