Wow man. Im guys keep taking shots at me. When I defend myself everyone becomes all sensitive! Dont talk shit, if I cant reply in the same manner.
Here he is!!!!
26-05-08, 11:55 AM
see ya.
repunzal,repunzal let down ya hair so i can climb up and get into ya underwear.
26-05-08, 12:07 PM
we only replied in the same manner you did to the others
isn't that fair?
if only you didnt act like you're kingshit or something telling people to bow down...
honestly, would you bow down to someone?
F**k no...
what kind of person would want ppl to bow down to them?
a person that gets no real respect
EDIT: btw, if you just stop this for a while
and come back when things cool down
then that'd be great
only if you change and re-introduce yourself.
cause we all know that you'd be a great addition to the forums if you changed.
isn't that fair?
if only you didnt act like you're kingshit or something telling people to bow down...
honestly, would you bow down to someone?
F**k no...
what kind of person would want ppl to bow down to them?
a person that gets no real respect
EDIT: btw, if you just stop this for a while
and come back when things cool down
then that'd be great
only if you change and re-introduce yourself.
cause we all know that you'd be a great addition to the forums if you changed.
I like reading. Do you?

*SHELLPRO* Show this Post
26-05-08, 12:20 PM
A true Baller can Bow bown when he is out balled the key is stay in top positions...somtimes you BOW DOWN when respect is due.
26-05-08, 12:26 PM
yeah, true but in this occassion. no.
you were forcing ppl to bow down even though there was no respect.
well i guess i was too broad with my argument(was just thinking about what to say for this situation)
so thats a point for you.
but as i just said in my previous post (the edit part)
consider it
another member started off bad but re-introduced himself later.
like, i bow to my relatives but thats because i respect them, not because they tell me to.
yeah, dont think im weird but its because its part of the asian culture =]
well this is getting a bit off topic XP
you were forcing ppl to bow down even though there was no respect.
well i guess i was too broad with my argument(was just thinking about what to say for this situation)
so thats a point for you.
but as i just said in my previous post (the edit part)
consider it
another member started off bad but re-introduced himself later.
like, i bow to my relatives but thats because i respect them, not because they tell me to.
yeah, dont think im weird but its because its part of the asian culture =]
well this is getting a bit off topic XP
I like reading. Do you?

26-05-08, 12:36 PM
Am I the only one who doesn't have a fucking clue what this fud is talking about?
It was fuckin' obvious that that cunt was gonnae fuck some cunt.
26-05-08, 12:37 PM
Oh shit..where have I been while all this went on!Well now Shellpro you have caused a alittle set too.Really nice collection,would love to see the trainers out off the boxes,but none the less really nice.Your clearly really into you hip hop but write like a you want to fight everyone and come over very aggressive(even your dog looks alittle annoyed at something..nice dog tho').You may not be a confrontational person,but thats just the way you have come across.It looks like your collection is the best in the world,however being alittle humble would go along way to getting you some warm welcomes(not too sure if you have been kicked off yet).Don't forget it's not a competition,some members only have 3-4 pairs and are as eager as everyone about superstars..

26-05-08, 12:41 PM
thats me ^^
cmon, still in HS...
cmon, still in HS...
I like reading. Do you?

26-05-08, 12:44 PM
Minky Starshine Wrote:It looks like your collection is the best in the world,

Does it ?
26-05-08, 12:44 PM
has he gone now.
you have nice friends pokey

repunzal,repunzal let down ya hair so i can climb up and get into ya underwear.
26-05-08, 12:47 PM
awww... dont blame pokey
he tried telling him how to act anyways =]
yeah, hes gone now... hopefully he considers what i said about changing.
he tried telling him how to act anyways =]
yeah, hes gone now... hopefully he considers what i said about changing.
I like reading. Do you?

26-05-08, 12:50 PM
mr.pure Wrote:Em,maybe I should have put one of theseMinky Starshine Wrote:It looks like your collection is the best in the world,
Does it ?

26-05-08, 12:55 PM
Sorry guys !!! I told him what the score and vibe was on here!!
I also had a convo wit pure last nite about him.
I dont actually know the guy other than thats the guy i bought my secrets from
but knew he had a decent collection and thought he'd be a good addition to ssdb !! yep i was wrong
apologies to you all
I also had a convo wit pure last nite about him.
I dont actually know the guy other than thats the guy i bought my secrets from

apologies to you all
It's not the size of the feet!!it's the amount of quality on em
26-05-08, 12:59 PM
you've got a pair of secrets?!!?
no wonder... now you're title makes much more sense!
holy crap, how much did the secrets cost you?!
you've got a pair of secrets?!!?
no wonder... now you're title makes much more sense!
holy crap, how much did the secrets cost you?!
I like reading. Do you?

26-05-08, 01:19 PM
pokey27 Wrote:but knew he had a decent collection and thought he'd be a good addition to ssdb !! yep i was wrong
apologies to you all

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