I finally found owner of that building and gave him a call. He contacted the agent firm and it seems that we are getting a 10m2 bigger flat for the same money as the one that they first promised us. Result!
Things that make your blood boil
08-03-11, 04:40 PM

If you have £5 and Chuck Norris has £5, Chuck Norris has more money than you.
08-03-11, 04:49 PM
08-03-11, 05:18 PM
Nice one!
If God gives you lemons you should find a new God
08-03-11, 08:38 PM
Think that needs to be posted in the wahoo thread! Nice one ez!
And shut your face Niko.. Tea is the best drink of the day! FACT!!
And shut your face Niko.. Tea is the best drink of the day! FACT!!
" shocking cock-up, the mice were furious "
08-03-11, 08:55 PM
(08-03-11, 01:11 PM)Robert147 Wrote: The fucking French make my blood boil. Everytime I find some supes on a French website they don't respond when I ask them to ship outside France. Stuck up bastards. They'd rather earn no money at all than ship their beloved product outside their stupid country.
Have you tried to open up an account on that website? If they ship outside there country they offer that service after you have logged in and went to the checkout. I've orderd two times on french websites and everything went fine. Only that one shop in marseille ... they don't wanted to send the item to germany.
08-03-11, 09:52 PM
Shit mate ... There was that new member from france. Maybe you can pm her

08-03-11, 10:23 PM
You're being a bit extreme dismissing "The French" as a nation for a problem with a couple of trainer shops Robert.
Not sure that if I was French I'd want to help someone with that attitude.

. . . and you Niko !
Not sure that if I was French I'd want to help someone with that attitude.

. . . and you Niko !
08-03-11, 11:41 PM
Clearly you didn't get my sarcasm there geebs! Oh well
09-03-11, 12:02 AM
Nor you mine mate
Was referring to your poms and tea nonsense.

Was referring to your poms and tea nonsense.
09-03-11, 08:04 AM
People who commit road rage that don't like getting punched in their fat polish faces ! A guy cut me off earlier when I was driving my truck , I still waved and said thanks even although he was being a total cock by not letting me through . He slowly dragged his blubbery self out of his shitty car , puffed his chest out and started doing a stupid fight dance whilst shouting " you have a fucking problem ???" I burst out laughing and started to drive away & he punched my cab door then pulled the door open , that to me is a threat of violence and I am quite within my rights to defend myself! I jumped out and his attitude quickly changed from tough to not so tough . Once I punched him he said " I'm very sorry I be work all night & I tired now " what a fucking loser ! Not all truckers are old cunts who are scared to defend themselves ! I hate road rage !!!!!
I wish i had more feet.....

09-03-11, 08:45 AM
cheers ez . Some people really should not be driving . They need to chill the fuck out

I wish i had more feet.....

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