Haha, I didn't want the firebird because of the material. I thought the Superstar pants were similar to the Beckenbauers I already have. I also bought a Superstar jacket but that looks good.
Things that make your blood boil
31-12-10, 12:49 PM
Dropping my camcorder!

Think its only the viewscreen that is damaged (Cannon Legria) so recommendations on Camcorder repair websites (UK) muchly appreciated.
fc should not be allowed out

Think its only the viewscreen that is damaged (Cannon Legria) so recommendations on Camcorder repair websites (UK) muchly appreciated.
fc should not be allowed out
'All sins tend to be addictive and the terminal point of addiction is damnation.' - W H Auden
01-01-11, 12:37 AM
People sending round robin texts.
If you can't be bothered to send me a personalised message, fuck ya !
If you can't be bothered to send me a personalised message, fuck ya !

01-01-11, 06:57 PM
I'm with you pure can't stand that. Then they moan when you don't reply douche bags.
04-01-11, 06:51 PM
Couriers thinking a flat stairwell counts as a fucking porch. My brown Vins were left on said porch 2 days before I arrived back in Edinburgh, and lo and behold the fuckers aren't anywhere to be seen. I only checked online yesterday to see if they'd be on there way, thought I wouldn't get them until the holidays had finished.
Second time this is happened to me now. It makes it sound I live in a right shitey area too, I don't. But an unguarded box sitting outside a door with a bunch of party-goers coming and going at all hours isn't going to last long.
To be fair to CT though they responded dead quickly, got a refund as they ain't in my size anymore.
Second time this is happened to me now. It makes it sound I live in a right shitey area too, I don't. But an unguarded box sitting outside a door with a bunch of party-goers coming and going at all hours isn't going to last long.
To be fair to CT though they responded dead quickly, got a refund as they ain't in my size anymore.
It was fuckin' obvious that that cunt was gonnae fuck some cunt.
04-01-11, 07:53 PM
That's fucking unbelievable mate! Those damn couriers!!!
I ordered a Xenon-bulb last summer. I wasn't home to receive the packagae. The courier saw my dog's travelbench through my gate and decided to throw the package through the gate into the bench. Thank god the Xenon-light still worked.
I ordered a Xenon-bulb last summer. I wasn't home to receive the packagae. The courier saw my dog's travelbench through my gate and decided to throw the package through the gate into the bench. Thank god the Xenon-light still worked.
05-01-11, 09:32 PM
OK I've had the worst day of the new year, and I can so far safely say that, given there's still 360 days left in 2011!!
Took my old car in to the shop and took virtually the entire day to diagnose, get parts and fix the damn thing - plus $550 later...spent too long at the mall where I was bored to death, esp when having a coffee and some old coot decided to chat with me...for 30 MINUTES...felt like an eternity...
5 hrs later, I get home, only to be called out again to my kids' school - my boy decided to pee himself not once, but TWICE...had to go out and change him...another bad thing? His Supes were stanky rank...note to self: send boy to school MINUS Supes - save em for weekend wear.
What else you ask? Courier delivered a mates' Adidas package today, only to miss one - I had to call and get it traced...fuckin jackass rang the bell, dropped the packages and ran...I was out the door to get him but was already gone....now I gotta wait another few days to get the missing item....fucking UPS....
I also forgot - was trying to buy a laptop while in the mall - an HP i5 for a nice price....had it on hold as I didn't want to carry it around the mall for hrs....I come back, and some nitwit sold it....
Top that people.....
Put em on and take n post a pic Rob! I need a laugh right now...
Took my old car in to the shop and took virtually the entire day to diagnose, get parts and fix the damn thing - plus $550 later...spent too long at the mall where I was bored to death, esp when having a coffee and some old coot decided to chat with me...for 30 MINUTES...felt like an eternity...
5 hrs later, I get home, only to be called out again to my kids' school - my boy decided to pee himself not once, but TWICE...had to go out and change him...another bad thing? His Supes were stanky rank...note to self: send boy to school MINUS Supes - save em for weekend wear.
What else you ask? Courier delivered a mates' Adidas package today, only to miss one - I had to call and get it traced...fuckin jackass rang the bell, dropped the packages and ran...I was out the door to get him but was already gone....now I gotta wait another few days to get the missing item....fucking UPS....
I also forgot - was trying to buy a laptop while in the mall - an HP i5 for a nice price....had it on hold as I didn't want to carry it around the mall for hrs....I come back, and some nitwit sold it....
Top that people.....

(30-12-10, 07:19 PM)Robert147 Wrote: Received my delivery from Adidas online today. All good but the Superstar track pants are fucked up. They are shaped like a fucking carrot. And way too tight!!! I looked like a complete dork when I tried them on. Shame on them being called 'Superstar'.
Put em on and take n post a pic Rob! I need a laugh right now...
05-01-11, 11:05 PM
Not an option dude. Sorry about your bad day but I'm sure it can be worse. By the way, you should be happy you didn't buy that laptop. NEVER buy any of that HP shit!!!!
06-01-11, 12:52 AM

With God's help I'll conquer this terrible affliction.
06-01-11, 12:25 PM
They did you a favour K.
You don't want an HP anything !
You don't want an HP anything !
06-01-11, 02:38 PM
What r u currently using G? I've a Toshiba Satt something something but a god awful old Intel Centrino processor, so anything right now would be light yrs better....
I hear ya gents re: the HP/Compaq....I was thinking a Dell XPS or Inspiron or Sony Vaio Z series....not gaming much anymore b/c of the rugrats, but like good performance and processing speed....
Now to don rubber gloves and scrub piss outta my boys supes
I hear ya gents re: the HP/Compaq....I was thinking a Dell XPS or Inspiron or Sony Vaio Z series....not gaming much anymore b/c of the rugrats, but like good performance and processing speed....
Now to don rubber gloves and scrub piss outta my boys supes

06-01-11, 03:38 PM
I'm not seeing the pic but the url says carrot-pants.jpg 
My HP-laptop died (videocard). I bought a replacement motherboard on the bay and it worked again. My neighbours' parents had a similar laptop and it also died (one year old). I offered to replace the motherboard. Shortly after that my own laptop died again. HP SUCKS. They changed their warranty from 2 years to 1 year because they know it won't last longer than that. Assholes!!!

My HP-laptop died (videocard). I bought a replacement motherboard on the bay and it worked again. My neighbours' parents had a similar laptop and it also died (one year old). I offered to replace the motherboard. Shortly after that my own laptop died again. HP SUCKS. They changed their warranty from 2 years to 1 year because they know it won't last longer than that. Assholes!!!
06-01-11, 03:58 PM
I have a HP laptop and some keys falling off the keyboard. My laptop is a year old. :S
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