Cleaning a pair of supes up a bit and inadvertedly wrecking a stripe... bloodys marks that dont come off...
Still I am hoping that I have fround a solution to restore the colour to em... I dug out my box of oil paints, mixed the exact same shade and applied it to the affected area, just letting it sit for a little bit and then im gonna give it a gentle wipe with some damp cloth and hope the colours taken... Its certainly stained my hands! fingers crossed its done the same to the section of the stripe!
Still I am hoping that I have fround a solution to restore the colour to em... I dug out my box of oil paints, mixed the exact same shade and applied it to the affected area, just letting it sit for a little bit and then im gonna give it a gentle wipe with some damp cloth and hope the colours taken... Its certainly stained my hands! fingers crossed its done the same to the section of the stripe!
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