So, judging from the yellowed colour of the glue around the midsole, these are damned old.
I'd guess that back in the day, N*ke saw the fabulous Superstar and thought "hey, we can do that". Then they made this piece of crap and decided "hey, you know what, we can't beat that, let's just make a zillion colour variations on the AF1 instead". So they did, and everyone let out a huge sigh of relief and N*ke realised that they were second class!
I'd guess that back in the day, N*ke saw the fabulous Superstar and thought "hey, we can do that". Then they made this piece of crap and decided "hey, you know what, we can't beat that, let's just make a zillion colour variations on the AF1 instead". So they did, and everyone let out a huge sigh of relief and N*ke realised that they were second class!
Man goes into cage. Cage goes in the salsa. Sharks in the salsa. Our shark!