i reckon the ZX750 version is better XD
Superstar II 'Lego'
12-01-08, 02:54 PM
mr.pure Wrote:I'm blowing chunks !
To those who are unaware, Chunks is the name of Pure's pet monkey!

An oldie but a goodie! Soz.

www.rareadidas.com Sell Your Rarities Here
www.mrshoeshotta.com Best on the Internet
www.theadidashunter.co.uk Find those soops!
12-01-08, 03:14 PM
I think ill pick these up when there released!!there growing on me bigtime
It's not the size of the feet!!it's the amount of quality on em
12-01-08, 05:04 PM
Guiding Star Wrote:My hard drive looks like a giant lego brick, it's tight.

Superstars are indeed super...
12-01-08, 05:19 PM
They are from LaCie, 250gb
www.rareadidas.com Sell Your Rarities Here
www.mrshoeshotta.com Best on the Internet
www.theadidashunter.co.uk Find those soops!
12-01-08, 09:04 PM
sure are mad! I rock laptops so these wouldnt really do it for me, quite fancy the new dell XCS tho'. powerful muthafucka
www.rareadidas.com Sell Your Rarities Here
www.mrshoeshotta.com Best on the Internet
www.theadidashunter.co.uk Find those soops!
13-01-08, 12:44 AM
adidasanth Wrote:They are from LaCie, 250gb
Thanks for posting the pics Anth, you beat me to it.
I got red one (250gs) it looks way doper in person.
The knowledge grows from my head to my shell covered toes
13-01-08, 11:08 AM
just be careful. my experience with la cie hard drives is they're crap. their aftersales service is great, but it sucks to have to experience it.
If God gives you lemons you should find a new God
24-01-08, 02:38 AM
Definitely picking them up.. even got a nice (Lego) custom case for when I ring em in..
I'm everywhere you never been and better than I ever been.
24-01-08, 05:41 PM
I gotta pick these up...
It just occured to me too. After I stick a pair of Fatty laces in there, these thin blue laces would probably look very good in my Caviar's... they would be a great accent to the blue stiching.
It just occured to me too. After I stick a pair of Fatty laces in there, these thin blue laces would probably look very good in my Caviar's... they would be a great accent to the blue stiching.
24-01-08, 05:47 PM
^^^^^ ebay user sucremeusa selling em on the bay m8 $59.99 if thats any help!!
It's not the size of the feet!!it's the amount of quality on em
24-01-08, 06:14 PM
pokey27 Wrote:^^^^^ ebay user sucremeusa selling em on the bay m8 $59.99 if thats any help!!
Hey Poke,
I'm running out the door for some business but I'll PM you a bit later. I gotta help you out with that request. I swear I didn;t forget! I'll be back in my office in a acouple hours.
24-01-08, 06:19 PM

It's not the size of the feet!!it's the amount of quality on em
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