saw these in the flesh yesterday not really my thing not feelin deisel tbh an there too skinny an expensive covent garden shoppers may i reccommend gettin a nice pair of carhartts from next door for £100 less
At last....originals jeans
05-02-08, 10:39 PM
around that coz they did it with deisel init there jeans are 120 odd standard
05-02-08, 11:01 PM
Oh well. I wasn't about to start rocking skinny jeans anyway so it's a moot point, I guess.

05-02-08, 11:05 PM
Oh I think you'd look proper in skinny jeans innit.

" shocking cock-up, the mice were furious "
06-02-08, 12:59 AM
fuck that im too fat for that shizzle carhartt or addict all the way
06-02-08, 01:48 AM
aww I cant be paying that for jeans

If it aint Manc its wank!
06-02-08, 02:16 AM
yeah they are a bit dead, im sorry to say it but the evisu x puma are a better collab, and they are much cheaper!! got a pair for £85. yeah like dialekt said i like my carhartts and evisu aswell, nice and baggy.
06-02-08, 01:01 PM
yeah i kinda went off evisu when i stopped bein a rudebwoy lol but there deffo the only jeans i would spend that kinda money on
theye were doin that thing where u buy jeans wear em for 6 months take em back as genuine worn in jeans an they gave you a fresh pair that was dope
theye were doin that thing where u buy jeans wear em for 6 months take em back as genuine worn in jeans an they gave you a fresh pair that was dope
06-02-08, 06:29 PM
DIALEKT Wrote:theye were doin that thing where u buy jeans wear em for 6 months take em back as genuine worn in jeans an they gave you a fresh pair that was dope
Do they still do that? did they do it from the shop in sevil row? that is quite sick.
06-02-08, 06:37 PM
Fucking mad idea.
We used to re-dye our jeans if people wanted them done at any point in the first 2 years.
We used to re-dye our jeans if people wanted them done at any point in the first 2 years.
06-02-08, 06:48 PM
i am going to go on a bit of a tangent now. does anyone know how to get denim bleed off your kicks? cause i wore my adicolor p1's today with a pair of evisus, and there is a bit on the pink bit. a friend at uni said no, but i dont/refuse to trust him.
06-02-08, 08:53 PM
Check the "how to keep your kicks fresh" thread. Haven't got exact link/page/technique but it's in there somewhere
Check the "how to keep your kicks fresh" thread. Haven't got exact link/page/technique but it's in there somewhere
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