Consider that adidas do not actually shut down factories manufacturing fake shoes in China - it doesn't work because the factories are run by people in positions of authority (Government) and actually end up telling the authorities what to do.
There is not much evidence to sugest that Counterfeit products directly fund other crime and terrorism - regardless of what you might be told when you put your DVD in the player; this is generally propaganda. The real fact is that people who already have to much money and authority are abusing their position to make more money, and faking some trainers is easy and quick. It's not so bad when you know you're buying a counterfeit, it's when you're tricked that it's a bastard.
Now consider the Superstar itself. it have been in production for over 30 years. In those 30 years the Superstar has been manufactured in a number of countries. Before people cared about whether or not their clothes and shoes were made by the hands of small children they were, unsurprisingly, made by the hands of small children. When this became an issue, brands such as adidas moved their production to factories that followed certain guidelines to please the end consumer. I can say without fear of any repurcussions that genuine adidas footwear is not made by children.
So what am I saying? Well, while production is moved to a new factory, the equipment is not, as it is not owned by adidas, it is owned by the factory. Now you have a factory that is faced with going out of business but has the equipment to make superstars. So, the source some materials as cheaply as possible and knock up some shoes. They look right because the equipment exists, but the materials and workmanship are shoddy because adidas aren't in charge anymore and the factory cannot access the correct material suppliers. Also, there are not quality control standards in these factories, so some very dangerous stuff gets through. In an adidas factory, every product is x-rayed before it leaves.
In addition to this, you have the problem of employment. When someone cannot get work in china because they do not have the right paperwork, or for some other reason, the only person that will employ them is the guy who runs a factory making counterfeits, cause he doesn't care about his employees, and cannot get contracts with big brands like adidas cause they don' meet their criteria.
Then, you have websites like this, describing in detail what the difference is between fake and genuine products, namely the product that gets faked more than any other product, the Superstar. And why does is get fakes? Because all the equipment is out there and has been for so many years.
There is more to the problem that just some chinese gangsters. The problem is us as well as them. Until you change the attitude of the buyer, the counterfeitters will push their crappy products onto people who don't care that it is fake and believe that they are overcharged for their goods anyway. And as soon as you list a site on here that is fake that person will know and will set up a new website. When you say that the logo is in the wrong place, they will put it in the right place.
So what should I do if I end up with a fake shoe?
Chances are that you bought the shoes from ebay or from a website via paypal. If you acutally use your credit card on some dodgy chinese webite then you deserve to get fucked in the arse.
If you were fortunate to pay by paypal do the following to get your money back:
Firstly, email adidas and tell them what you have bought and where you bought it from. Their email address is (i think). They will offer you the chance to send it to them so they can confirm it is fake. You could do this but, obviously, you will lose the money it costs to send them to adidas. adidas do actually take action when they get an email about somone selling fakes and do remove them from ebay.
Whether you send them or not, open a dispute with paypal regarding the merchanidise as fake. In the comments box, state that the shoes were falling apart, so you emailed adidas and they told you to send them in for a quality control check and that after they got the shoes they confirmed that they were fake.
If the seller has any sense they will not argue and will give you your money back. If they have the balls to argue that they are real then send them to adidas and they will write to you cofirming that they are fake (if they are). This will cost £7 in postage but would return all of the money you spent buying the shoes and you would get to keep the shoes as well.
Sorry to bitch, but there are some things that I have wanted to say on this website for a long time and I have only just got around to it. You can all slag me off now if you managed to read all of this.
There is not much evidence to sugest that Counterfeit products directly fund other crime and terrorism - regardless of what you might be told when you put your DVD in the player; this is generally propaganda. The real fact is that people who already have to much money and authority are abusing their position to make more money, and faking some trainers is easy and quick. It's not so bad when you know you're buying a counterfeit, it's when you're tricked that it's a bastard.
Now consider the Superstar itself. it have been in production for over 30 years. In those 30 years the Superstar has been manufactured in a number of countries. Before people cared about whether or not their clothes and shoes were made by the hands of small children they were, unsurprisingly, made by the hands of small children. When this became an issue, brands such as adidas moved their production to factories that followed certain guidelines to please the end consumer. I can say without fear of any repurcussions that genuine adidas footwear is not made by children.
So what am I saying? Well, while production is moved to a new factory, the equipment is not, as it is not owned by adidas, it is owned by the factory. Now you have a factory that is faced with going out of business but has the equipment to make superstars. So, the source some materials as cheaply as possible and knock up some shoes. They look right because the equipment exists, but the materials and workmanship are shoddy because adidas aren't in charge anymore and the factory cannot access the correct material suppliers. Also, there are not quality control standards in these factories, so some very dangerous stuff gets through. In an adidas factory, every product is x-rayed before it leaves.
In addition to this, you have the problem of employment. When someone cannot get work in china because they do not have the right paperwork, or for some other reason, the only person that will employ them is the guy who runs a factory making counterfeits, cause he doesn't care about his employees, and cannot get contracts with big brands like adidas cause they don' meet their criteria.
Then, you have websites like this, describing in detail what the difference is between fake and genuine products, namely the product that gets faked more than any other product, the Superstar. And why does is get fakes? Because all the equipment is out there and has been for so many years.
There is more to the problem that just some chinese gangsters. The problem is us as well as them. Until you change the attitude of the buyer, the counterfeitters will push their crappy products onto people who don't care that it is fake and believe that they are overcharged for their goods anyway. And as soon as you list a site on here that is fake that person will know and will set up a new website. When you say that the logo is in the wrong place, they will put it in the right place.
So what should I do if I end up with a fake shoe?
Chances are that you bought the shoes from ebay or from a website via paypal. If you acutally use your credit card on some dodgy chinese webite then you deserve to get fucked in the arse.
If you were fortunate to pay by paypal do the following to get your money back:
Firstly, email adidas and tell them what you have bought and where you bought it from. Their email address is (i think). They will offer you the chance to send it to them so they can confirm it is fake. You could do this but, obviously, you will lose the money it costs to send them to adidas. adidas do actually take action when they get an email about somone selling fakes and do remove them from ebay.
Whether you send them or not, open a dispute with paypal regarding the merchanidise as fake. In the comments box, state that the shoes were falling apart, so you emailed adidas and they told you to send them in for a quality control check and that after they got the shoes they confirmed that they were fake.
If the seller has any sense they will not argue and will give you your money back. If they have the balls to argue that they are real then send them to adidas and they will write to you cofirming that they are fake (if they are). This will cost £7 in postage but would return all of the money you spent buying the shoes and you would get to keep the shoes as well.
Sorry to bitch, but there are some things that I have wanted to say on this website for a long time and I have only just got around to it. You can all slag me off now if you managed to read all of this.