Absolutely, it might look like racism but the people of this country need to be protected and if that means door to door searches on the homes of people from this ethnic group then so be it.
Car bomb in Central London
Da Camden Ayatollah Show this Post
30-06-07, 01:51 AM
It won't need that. It just needs harsher penalties and more publicity given to those who are against terror
A lot of these so called mullahs, prophets, reverends etc. who are for crusades/fatwa's etc get a shitload of publicity. The fiere of hatred is constantly burning cos of this shit sells. Conversley, a community leader trying to educate and lead people back onto the straight and narrow might only get a brief mention in the local rag, in between a beauty contest for pigs and double glazing adverts.
More publicity needs to be given to those who can stop, are stopping or police and curtail these events. Only and only then once the fire of peace is burning then it will gain momentum jst like a real fire needs oxygen to burn. The fire of hatrd will die out cos the media aren't always broadcasting it.
Iraq has really kicked things off, big time.Its still no excuse though.
A lot of these so called mullahs, prophets, reverends etc. who are for crusades/fatwa's etc get a shitload of publicity. The fiere of hatred is constantly burning cos of this shit sells. Conversley, a community leader trying to educate and lead people back onto the straight and narrow might only get a brief mention in the local rag, in between a beauty contest for pigs and double glazing adverts.
More publicity needs to be given to those who can stop, are stopping or police and curtail these events. Only and only then once the fire of peace is burning then it will gain momentum jst like a real fire needs oxygen to burn. The fire of hatrd will die out cos the media aren't always broadcasting it.
Iraq has really kicked things off, big time.Its still no excuse though.
01-07-07, 10:13 PM
I nearly got shmeagolled by the IRA bomb in manc about a decade ago apparently. Dunno how though :S
Oh what a feelin! When you're dunking, on the ceilin!
01-07-07, 10:14 PM
You was probably stealing lollies of a kid in an adjacent pram.
01-07-07, 10:17 PM
Probably! Twas a pain in the arse cause me mum worked in that building, and she couldnt commute to the liverpool allternative theyd offered.
Oh what a feelin! When you're dunking, on the ceilin!
02-07-07, 01:46 PM
I was also in Manchester the day of the bombing in June 96, right on the edge of the police cordon, looking back the thing I remember most was everyones face when it had gone off, the utter disbelief and shock I will remember forever.
All you SuperstarDB Manc visitors, can check out the red pillar box (bomb went off next to it) next to Marks & Spencers its only a minute from the Adidas originals shop in The Triangle.
Lets hope this recent spate of attacks is all ready over without any loss of life!
All you SuperstarDB Manc visitors, can check out the red pillar box (bomb went off next to it) next to Marks & Spencers its only a minute from the Adidas originals shop in The Triangle.
Lets hope this recent spate of attacks is all ready over without any loss of life!
02-07-07, 03:44 PM
Da Camden Ayatollah Show this Post
03-07-07, 12:09 PM
Hear Hear!but religion ain't bullshit.
Good that theres no casulties.
Good that theres no casulties.
03-07-07, 06:11 PM
In the national press today, it said the Doctor involved was called 'Dr Evil' (The Mirror, July 3rd). Now if that aint a clue then i dunno what is!
Just trying to inject some lightness into a very dark situation.
Just trying to inject some lightness into a very dark situation.
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Da Camden Ayatollah Show this Post
03-07-07, 10:43 PM
Yea from what i know, some of not all of them are either, or were doctors. all of them have worked for the NHS and one of them was a consultant neurologist (brain surgeon). So much for the hypocratic oath. metinks they took a hypocritic oath. tossers the lot of them.
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