Allegedly nothing. Adidas definitely have better working practices at their factories than noike.
Da Camden Ayatollah Show this Post
23-06-07, 10:59 PM
Is that so? indonesia, vietnam, china, they is all as bad as each other. cheap labor an' all. saying that, its a necessary evil unfortunately. I mean look how much adidas make as profit when they sell their goods? u telling me nike make more per unit due to renegade stylee business practises than adidas, or prada?! Nah, no way.if theres a way, show me cos il be v.interested.
23-06-07, 11:33 PM
I'd have said they definitely do.
Can't prove shit cos I don't work for either company.
Can't prove shit cos I don't work for either company.
Da Camden Ayatollah Show this Post
23-06-07, 11:42 PM
Each to their own. Some are more cuthroat than others. some jus genuinely don't give a shit! I'll admit that adidas aren't as bad as say tesco but they ain't no saints. Its all about the dough in the land of milk and honey and adidas ain't no exception. Therefore, they is gonna b assholes wid their indonesian 'colleagues' cos they make more money that way. Ask any international charity to do with kids/international trade i.e. oxfam, save the children etc.
I'll still buy brands like adidas but I'm jus aware of the facts. Starbury's are unfortunately probably the same business practise wise. after all, they ain't no charity.
I'll still buy brands like adidas but I'm jus aware of the facts. Starbury's are unfortunately probably the same business practise wise. after all, they ain't no charity.
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