Heads up everyone. Saw this artwork at my local Target store. Target is a classier version of Wal-Mart... in my opinion. Hope I didn't hurt the feelings of anyone that is a Wal-Mart addict

or stock holder
Pretty cool artwork. Didn't get the pricing though. Doh.
This first piece of art is fairly big. Probably 2 feet tall x 3 feet wide, maybe even a bit taller and wider, but not much. I included pics zoomed in on Supes!!!!!!!!!
This next one was also pretty cool also. No Supes, but I'm guessing that there's Supes on his feet. This one was as big as the one above, just formatted in "portrait" layout instead of "landscape".
CRAP!! Just looking at these pics now makes me want them. I need to go get these before they are gone!!!!!
here's the turntablist poster at buy.com. only $22. the artwork at Target is on canvas and has a nice wood frame on the backside
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found out that the artist is Justin Bua. he does great stuff!!! check it out