Hrm, where to begin: I'm an 18 year old British born Chinese, currently in Cambridge. For 14 years I lived in Hong Kong, China, where I met a fair share of Nuke, Abibas and Duma shoes and so I've always been careful with buying genuine products.
I like New Balance the most for their ethical morals, and I don't like Reebok - I've had a pretty bad experience involved a fractured ankle and a flimsy pair of Reebok Classic trainers.
I don't own a pair of Adidas Superstars yet, but I am looking, which is why I ended up here in the first place!
So, hello!
Hrm, where to begin: I'm an 18 year old British born Chinese, currently in Cambridge. For 14 years I lived in Hong Kong, China, where I met a fair share of Nuke, Abibas and Duma shoes and so I've always been careful with buying genuine products.
I like New Balance the most for their ethical morals, and I don't like Reebok - I've had a pretty bad experience involved a fractured ankle and a flimsy pair of Reebok Classic trainers.
I don't own a pair of Adidas Superstars yet, but I am looking, which is why I ended up here in the first place!
So, hello!