Want to know if my Run DMC Adidas Kicks are real or fake
30-08-06, 01:12 PM
Welcome Onelineman,I'm sorry to say it but i think that they are fakes due to the sticker on the frount of the box being in the wrong place...
..Hope you didn't pay to much for them mate.

Jesus Christ Superstar.......
30-08-06, 01:13 PM
Got some bad news for you I'm afraid fella.
They fakes homey.
They fakes homey.

30-08-06, 01:18 PM
Thanks guys. I got them as a gift. Except the fake box, they feel so real.
30-08-06, 01:29 PM
Yeah, all the fakes feel well made and as long as you get them cheap enough. What the fuck !

30-08-06, 01:37 PM
true that. Damn, I thought that I got a gem on my hands.

31-08-06, 10:03 PM
Silly statement possibly coming up.
I noticed on the box label the circle with the recycle type arrows within it, none of SS35th's or any of my other adidas originals shoe boxes.
As I'm a newbie, forgive me if it's been stated before.
I noticed on the box label the circle with the recycle type arrows within it, none of SS35th's or any of my other adidas originals shoe boxes.
As I'm a newbie, forgive me if it's been stated before.
My favourite way of getting kicks
I go down town, I hustle chicks - Beaver Patrol!
31-08-06, 10:26 PM
It's not common but I have got pairs of Soup's with the recycling thingamejig.
01-09-06, 07:28 AM
To be honest I never gave the 'recycle logo' much thought, but after reading this I got curious and checked my SS boxes. My Unions, Bad Boys and Lee Qs have it on the box label, and it's also on the box of one of my FTR SS, but these are the only ones that have it.
01-09-06, 08:05 AM
I have a feeling the recycle thingy depends on where the shoes are being sold... Some countries have strict rules about packaging being recyclable whereas some don't..
(I'll go back to my tree huggin' now!)
(I'll go back to my tree huggin' now!)

01-09-06, 09:18 AM
Interesting, I guess that might be the case.
I've also noticed some SS boxes have an EAN code and others have a UPC code, but I guess that's a Europe/US thingey.
Dammit, now I'll have to check if the ones with the UPC code are the same as the ones with the recycle logo.
I've also noticed some SS boxes have an EAN code and others have a UPC code, but I guess that's a Europe/US thingey.
Dammit, now I'll have to check if the ones with the UPC code are the same as the ones with the recycle logo.

Superstars are indeed super...
03-09-06, 01:13 AM
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the little bit on the black adidas logo section of the left heel above the JMJ logo sticking down instead of being a relatively straight curve an indicator of them being fake? More detailed explanations and photos of this are in another thread so you know what to look for in the future. Maybe you could surgically remove the little "nib" to make them feel better about their position in life?

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