hello mate
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17-09-09, 04:58 PM
'All sins tend to be addictive and the terminal point of addiction is damnation.' - W H Auden
18-09-09, 10:16 PM
hi Mike & welcome to SSDB!

whack lacing is killing your shoes!
19-09-09, 06:54 AM
What up familly
These kicks need their own theme music.

19-09-09, 03:33 PM
Welcome Mike, glad to have another Scotsman on board! Watch out for Lorrie though, he hates us.

It was fuckin' obvious that that cunt was gonnae fuck some cunt.
23-09-09, 10:53 AM
cheers for welcome everyone

great forum
hope lorrie isnt racist
against us scots
maybe hes jelous that we are so shit at football

great forum
hope lorrie isnt racist

maybe hes jelous that we are so shit at football

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