Ive had a huge problem with my suede shoes. Every pair I have, the color eventually bleeds really bad, on to the laces, socks or the shoe just fades bad. My denims do it a bit too. I want to wear my Adicolor R5s this weekend, but there is a chance of rain. I wont be outside much, but dont want to trash them on the way to the car. Any luck locking the color in? Will several cotes or suede protector work? I assume this will be a problem with the Redmans when I get them too.
Suede Bleed
29-09-09, 03:20 AM
Suede protector and prayer is about the best you can do. I've not had the problems you've described, but then I don't wear my suedes that often.
If God gives you lemons you should find a new God
30-09-09, 06:54 PM
never come across this but you should post a opic so people can see. you should brush your shoes and put a coat of water and stain proof spray wait 3 mins and then do another heavier coat this should prevent further bleeding.
hey fella i just found this on the net hopefully it would help. it might be a stain after all. http://www.ehow.com/how_3139_clean-suede.html
(28-09-09, 11:23 PM)landmines Wrote: Ive had a huge problem with my suede shoes. Every pair I have, the color eventually bleeds really bad, on to the laces, socks or the shoe just fades bad. My denims do it a bit too. I want to wear my Adicolor R5s this weekend, but there is a chance of rain. I wont be outside much, but dont want to trash them on the way to the car. Any luck locking the color in? Will several cotes or suede protector work? I assume this will be a problem with the Redmans when I get them too.
hey fella i just found this on the net hopefully it would help. it might be a stain after all. http://www.ehow.com/how_3139_clean-suede.html
Hey, what are you doing here, I thought I told you to go fuck your mother.

01-10-09, 02:21 PM
Dont wear suedes when it's gonna rain! Simple really 
That or try not to sweat profusely in them.

That or try not to sweat profusely in them.
Man goes into cage. Cage goes in the salsa. Sharks in the salsa. Our shark!
01-10-09, 05:48 PM
Mmmmm sweatty

repunzal,repunzal let down ya hair so i can climb up and get into ya underwear.
02-10-09, 11:00 AM
Never had that happen to my suedes and I wear them often. I have had new black socks bleed onto a pair of new white kicks.
Always wash black socks first before wearing!

These kicks need their own theme music.

02-10-09, 11:13 AM
Or just don't wear black or other dark coloured socks with white kicks and vice versa.
Doing nothing is very hard to do... you never know when you're finished.
- Leslie Nielsen
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