Hopefully i've not asked this question before ???
Maybe its just me but after a gr8 nite out last nite in which jack daniels was abused to the max and in a pissed up state,deep thinking did occur!!
I'm sure its happened to you all you
1.Who am i?
2.why am i here?
3.what have i achieved?
4.who's the stig?
5.why do i own so many pairs of shoes?
6.what part of a fish does fish fingers come from?
Anyways its question 5 that got me last nite!!Yes i love my collection,i'm proud of it,took ages to amass and gives me alot of pleasure.
But what if i sold them all
would the money from them benefit my life more than having 80+ boxes in my life ???
I could visit places,countries i've always wanted to go,maybe start a business,have afew more of the nice things in life.
Anyways by the time i fell into a drunken coma i still didn't know and still don't.Maybe somethings just are and they don't need to have a valid reason or purpose??or maybe i just need to lay of the jackdaniels
I hope that kinda makes sense just interested if anybody else ever looked @ there stash and thought WTF!!!!
Maybe its just me but after a gr8 nite out last nite in which jack daniels was abused to the max and in a pissed up state,deep thinking did occur!!
I'm sure its happened to you all you
1.Who am i?
2.why am i here?
3.what have i achieved?
4.who's the stig?
5.why do i own so many pairs of shoes?
6.what part of a fish does fish fingers come from?
Anyways its question 5 that got me last nite!!Yes i love my collection,i'm proud of it,took ages to amass and gives me alot of pleasure.
But what if i sold them all

I could visit places,countries i've always wanted to go,maybe start a business,have afew more of the nice things in life.
Anyways by the time i fell into a drunken coma i still didn't know and still don't.Maybe somethings just are and they don't need to have a valid reason or purpose??or maybe i just need to lay of the jackdaniels

I hope that kinda makes sense just interested if anybody else ever looked @ there stash and thought WTF!!!!
It's not the size of the feet!!it's the amount of quality on em