I'm looking at these BK5's from ebay, item number 160187632435.
The seller has made great contact with me, she said she bought from from another seller who sent her the wrong shoes. I searched a bit and this is the auction she won it from: item 300179043933 here:
from seller sportsanddesign.
She wanted the BL5's I guess, but she got sent the BK5's. This original seller has a lot of adidas and nikes, shoes and clothes, see:
Can anyone confirm that these are legit? Thanks.
The seller has made great contact with me, she said she bought from from another seller who sent her the wrong shoes. I searched a bit and this is the auction she won it from: item 300179043933 here:
from seller sportsanddesign.
She wanted the BL5's I guess, but she got sent the BK5's. This original seller has a lot of adidas and nikes, shoes and clothes, see:
Can anyone confirm that these are legit? Thanks.