yeah I thought so - only the one pair for sale and some other adidas stuff and the shoes look pretty good - no nipples lol
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27-06-07, 04:08 PM
Yeah.. small size too.. go for it! they'll look good on display

" shocking cock-up, the mice were furious "
27-06-07, 04:39 PM
lol got her to reduce the price too - by £7.50 - yay for me!!! lol (think I got flashed by a speed camera yesterday so need to watch my pennies)
27-06-07, 08:08 PM
Hahaha.. nice one missy!! (fingers crossed about the speed camera!)
" shocking cock-up, the mice were furious "
27-06-07, 08:26 PM
lol yeah me too - doing about 35 in a 30 - bloody scandalous
I'll seriously begrudge the fine that cost me a pair of soups lol

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