Themed "TIWMBW" chat. -
mr.pure - 16-08-10
Keep it in here.
Interesting them Sab.
But were you actually taking a shit ?
Cos a pee doesn't count as a movement !
RE: Themed "TIWMBW" chat. -
sab - 16-08-10
Ahhhhhhhh u shall never know
RE: Themed "TIWMBW" chat. -
pukkabruv - 16-08-10
nice to see your keeping with the red's lurky.. great pic, bit i dunno, putting yer sneaks in harms way deleberatly?!.. you gotta be marked down for that... lol.. mind you i guess it does show determination to win.
RE: Themed "TIWMBW" chat. -
mr.pure - 16-08-10
It was a pee.
No way you'd have a mate take a photo of you curling one out.
RE: Themed "TIWMBW" chat. -
cracky - 16-08-10
Thank god for that Sab, i don't wanna know
RE: Themed "TIWMBW" chat. -
Lurkzilla - 16-08-10
Ahh.. shit, I should have worn the underworlds and smashed one, then called it "attack on the killer tomatoes."
RE: Themed "TIWMBW" chat. -
Sneakerphile - 16-08-10
Love that picture Lurky, looks like your being attacked by loads of Zoids (i'm not the only one remembers those windup toys am I?)
RE: Themed "TIWMBW" chat. -
Shellshock - 17-08-10
Sab's pic brings back memories of when I was a young snotnose back in the 70's and Boney M had that song out 'Brown girl in the ring' It had line that went "Show me your motion, tra-la-la-la" With hindsight I'm sure they meant motion as in dance moves or something but at the time.....
And thus began my fascination with showing women my turds.
RE: Themed "TIWMBW" chat. -
mr.pure - 17-08-10
Woah there !
Tooooooo much information !
[/closes forum and never uses the internet again]
RE: Themed "TIWMBW" chat. -
nikosg - 17-08-10
hahahhaha nice SS thanks for the early morning laugh
RE: Themed "TIWMBW" chat. -
Shellshock - 17-08-10
(17-08-10, 12:42 AM)mr.pure Wrote: Tooooooo much information !
Err.. I was joking. Before I get branded as some kinda sexual deviant I would just like to catergorically state I have never shown any woman my pooh. Well, apart from the odd floater that Lady SS has discovered.
RE: Themed "TIWMBW" chat. -
sab - 17-08-10
:LOL: poor mrs ss.
Is any one else rising to the challenge am at work n need entertaining.
RE: Themed "TIWMBW" chat. -
steve-o - 17-08-10
first its dogging in the park... now showing women your steamy hot mess... whats next SS? lol
RE: Themed "TIWMBW" chat. -
Shellshock - 17-08-10
(17-08-10, 02:16 AM)sab Wrote: Is any one else rising to the challenge am at work n need entertaining.
RE: Themed "TIWMBW" chat. -
sab - 17-08-10
Phrased wrongly !!!