shipping cost from sweden to europe?! -
super sk8 - 17-01-10
Hi all,
i found some nice shoes from a swedish based seller (via kicksxchange). so far, so good. but he want 36 € shipping for 2 pairs (29 € for one).
is shipping from northern europe to central europe THIS expensive?!
RE: shipping cost from sweden to europe?! -
Big J - 17-01-10
How much do sns charge? Sure it wasn't cheap when I used them to get my REPS.
RE: shipping cost from sweden to europe?! -
super sk8 - 17-01-10
150 SEK = 15 € per item
RE: shipping cost from sweden to europe?! -
Big J - 17-01-10
Hmmm, you could assume SNS would get it a bit cheaper, but half the price? Think your seller is at it T.
RE: shipping cost from sweden to europe?! -
Grimmy - 17-01-10
SNS has a deal with a local carrier and really does get shipping for half the price than what it would cost normally through Sweden's postal service.
Normal cost for shipping supes domestically in Sweden is 150 SEK.
International shipping to Europe as big letters <2kg 225 SEK/~22 EUR (+65 SEK if registered) or as 1-2kg parcels 295 SEK/~29 EUR. More outside Europe.
360 SEK is correct for 3-4kg parcels. For 2-3kg parcels it's 325 SEK so I guess you could ask whether the parcel happens to weigh just below 3kgs. It could as a pair of supes normally weighs around 1,2-1,4kg but unlikely if double boxed and you're getting something else than basic supes.
RE: shipping cost from sweden to europe?! -
dj_wildthing - 19-01-10
It does sound about right I'm afraid. It's pretty much the same as the cost from Denmark to Germany or UK.
Postage is friggin' expensive around these parts