Karma moments -
kt0626 - 25-08-09
Ever have one of those times when Karma hits - whether its something re: you, or something unto others....well I had one of those moments this morning...about a month ago, I recall some fcuker cutting me off for no reason - only to get in front of me...we of course jockeyed with eachother for a few blocks, and he pulls into a turn lane to purposely get back at me...fast forward to today and I see the fcuker again - how do I remember him? One never forgets an @sshole and 'the moment'....what happens next? We're 'quietly' neck n neck, then I sped up and cut him off, slow down as we approach a changing light, then speed off to make the light whereas he doesn't...as he stews (which I'm certain of), I flip the bird out the window as I drive off....sweet justice....
Oh yeah, had the wifey in the passenger seat wondering WTF? I was grinning my quiet grin all the way....
RE: Karma moments -
Lorrie - 25-08-09
You have to be careful, fella. Your neck of the woods you might get capped!
RE: Karma moments -
Funke - 25-08-09
not really karma there but i see the joy you're getting at =p
ahaha, i can just imagine that feeling XD
Like when someone overtakes you and stays on the adjacent lane whereas you keep it cool and cruise normally. Later on his lane is closed or something and you are the winner =p
RE: Karma moments -
kt0626 - 25-08-09
If this guy had a cannon, I'd be surprised Lor!
FP, you're right, not exactly karma, but it was SO satisfying to be in that position again! You know that scenario: coulda shoulda woulda, but didn't, then spend 'x' period of time wishing you had...well my time was here and I fcukin jumped at it w/o hesitation...petty? Maybe to some, but this dude REALLY pissed me off the 1st time it happened, and I swore I'd get him...and I did...next best scenario would have been to know where he lived/parked and then gave his car some new laser etched artwork...
RE: Karma moments -
Funke - 25-08-09
you know what i'm being reminded of now?
It's hilarious.
note to self; don't get on kt's bad side. =p
RE: Karma moments -
soopster - 25-08-09
That video made me LOL, im gonna try that
RE: Karma moments -
kt0626 - 25-08-09
okay after postin up that funny vid, you're safe FP
Gotta get me an Iphone now, if not purely for the apps...