New guy -
GOOD - 11-07-08
Hey all, I'm obviously new here (first post and all). I'm 23 and from Indianapolis, IN in the US (since there seem to be a lot of UK'ers here).
I wore Superstars as a kid and just bought my first adult pair last week after winning a $250 gift certificate from a dj'ing competition I won. I bought my second pair yesterday.
Right now I've got:
Adidas Superstar 2.5's (white, black stripes w/ gold outline)
Classic Superstar 2's (white w/ black suade stripes)
I wear a size 13 which painfully makes a lot of the hard to find Superstars super hard for me to find. I'd like to get more colorful as time goes on but have my eye on Superstar I Jam's that came out a while back. Don't think I'll ever find a pair of those.
So that's me. I don't know a whole lot about Superstars but I'm interested in starting a collection and maybe contributing around here over time. If anyone's got any questions about dj'ing, I'd be happy to help with that too.
RE: New guy -
Dirty - 11-07-08
GOOD intro! Welcome aboard and if you are looking for some Blue Nubuck SS2s shoot me a PM, I know where to find some in your size!
RE: New guy -
deftoned - 11-07-08
Welcome mate! We're not all from the UK

Hang round here and your sure to grow your collection. There's a few guys on here into dj'ing too...
RE: New guy -
Sooper - 11-07-08
Welcome along Fella!
RE: New guy -
Samo - 11-07-08
Welcome along dude!
RE: New guy -
mr.pure - 11-07-08
Yeah, welcome Good, nice to see a decent introduction.
RE: New guy -
streak - 11-07-08
Welcome along.. now get some more supes!
RE: New guy -
stylz - 11-07-08
Welcome Good
RE: New guy -
jam - 11-07-08
welcome GOOD
RE: New guy -
AdiMac - 11-07-08
Welcome Dude
RE: New guy -
cracky - 11-07-08
welcome good
RE: New guy -
spitey - 11-07-08
sup `good`
RE: New guy -
Galaxy36 - 11-07-08
Hi Good, Welcome
RE: New guy -
GOOD - 11-07-08
Thanks for the warm welcome. Superstar DB is already rubbing off on me as I was able to track down a pair of the JAM's and purchased them this morning. I've also got a refund from Adidas coming so I'll be purchasing yet another pair next week.
I've got my eyes on a pair of the pink laced Brooklyn adicolor...what do you guys think of that shoe?
It's the P6 Bill McMullen near the bottom of the page.
RE: New guy -
Lorrie - 11-07-08
Welcome along, Good. Great intro.