dunk.com.cn -
kaisifus - 07-06-08
Sorry if this has been done a million times.. I tried searching, but the word 'dunk' comes up far to often to be of any use ...
Is this site real?
(they seem to be having some problems with their servers, it is down as often as up
Because they have possibly the best selection I've ever seen, and it looks legit, non stock photos, they say about not stocking fakes, have a news section etc.. but its from China...
Hmm.. what do you think?
Because if its real, they have the original Superstar 1's in black with white stripes/shell which I have been looking for for a looooong time..
RE: dunk.com.cn -
sin`pl - 07-06-08
i believe that most of their stuff is legit, but some 35th are fake (ie disney).
RE: dunk.com.cn -
Funke - 08-06-08
over 90% of hk and cn sites are dangerous
thats what ive been told by my brother and sister who are extremely cautious about online safety(sometimes they dont even use their home desk top to deal stuff online and instead do it at work where they know its safe)
dont use your credit card on them
i dont know about that site though
RE: dunk.com.cn -
sin`pl - 08-06-08
^ lol at your brother and sister

unlike other chinese sites, this one has their own photos in high quality, and they don't carry every single size. i bet most of their shoes are legit too.
RE: dunk.com.cn -
jam - 08-06-08

they got a whole load of soops on there, and loads I aint never seen before. And they looks pretty legit, but everythings in chinese
RE: dunk.com.cn -
kaisifus - 08-06-08
Yeah pretty good prices too.. are the sizes in EU?
I manage to translate most of it, but when you get to the order thing its in chinese and I dont have a clue whats going on there..
They do look legit tho...
RE: dunk.com.cn -
sin`pl - 08-06-08
no, sizes are FR