Wanted... -
Phikz - 31-05-08
Ive decided now that I really want the consortium 'cmyk' vins. I need them in a size 11.5-12 uk.
I have had a decent look round, found some at moes but apparently the custom fees etc would equal to an amount I can't afford...I have seen some at other places too but they are all too small
Anybody know much about these?
I think i'd have to e-mail but wondering if anybody knows what these are like, anybody dealt with them before?
Any help is appreciated..
(I know i started a thread somewhere else but that was just to find out how much they were and how hard to find they were)
RE: Wanted... -
dj_wildthing - 01-06-08
Limiteditions are cool, no problems. I visited their shop last year when I was in Barcelona and they are serious people with good stuff to sell.
Also, the cmyk supes are great! I bought a pair from Harputs a couple of months ago, got a $40 discount using the code 'forum' and experiened no nasty custom fees. Had them within a week after I placed my order
RE: Wanted... -
Phikz - 01-06-08
Thanks wildthing, I actually forgot e-mail them but have so now. Also does that code 'forum' still work? One final thing, is it possible that harputs have other stock that they haven't put up on the website? You think its worth e-mailing them to see if they have any of them supes in a 12 instead?
RE: Wanted... -
reid - 01-06-08
Why do you ask people here if you should email em or not? Can't hurt to just email them anyways can it?
It's not like they're gonna email back saying "Of course not, otherwise they'd be on the website you dopey twat. Don't ever buy anything from us again!" are they
RE: Wanted... -
Phikz - 01-06-08
The first thing i saw was 'dopey twat' I thought ahhhhhh verbal attackage lol
But yh I e-mailed them anyway
the main reason though is because i remember reading somewhere that they dont often reply to e-mails sometimes they get overlooked or something :S I dont know..
RE: Wanted... -
reid - 02-06-08
If the email gets overlooked then you've only lost a minute typing for potentially big gain. Even the slightest chance can pay off (I think it was pokey who got a pair of UPs by emailing Upper Playground directly ages after release and they had one spare pair floating around in his size)
RE: Wanted... -
pokey27 - 02-06-08
^^Sure did
shocked the shit outta me.I have emailed harputs before but with no success myself but you never know "PHIKZ" <<
I spose you could also send a PM to erm "bootsy" is it ??? the guy who works there and joined ssdb afew wks bk.
RE: Wanted... -
Phikz - 02-06-08
Yhh i supose, nice as well pokey
I was thinking that too but by the looks of it he didn't stick around too long. I'll wait a few days and pm if i don't receive an e-mail reply.
RE: Wanted... -
pokey27 - 02-06-08
Yeah he has gone a quiet!! <listens to wallet breathing a sign of relief>
goodluck anyways
RE: Wanted... -
streak - 02-06-08
You could always pick up the phone and talk to them..
RE: Wanted... -
Phikz - 02-06-08
Received an e-mail from limited editions stating that they are out of stock so they are now out of the question...gutted =[
Problem with that streak is numbers to abroad, mobiles and company numbers etc are blocked, by my mom...
And I haven't had any credit on my phone for like 4 months =\
RE: Wanted... -
Phikz - 02-06-08
Random really but look how great this hat matches
RE: Wanted... -
reid - 02-06-08
They might match but wouldn't say it was great...
RE: Wanted... -
Lorrie - 02-06-08
RE: Wanted... -
cracky - 02-06-08
oh my word