WTF!!! How stupid can things get?? -
seasidewolf - 16-02-08
OK, I'm a dirty

ing sinner!!
Yes I smoke, but can you believe the scheme some dickhead has just come up with!!
Random ramblings of some TW@!
RE: WTF!!! How stupid can things get?? -
adidasanth - 16-02-08
Yup, it was in the paper today!!! British Govt are tw@'s of the highest order! Ban the kids from necking Thunderbird & Cider in the street and terrorising the elderly, leave me and my smoking alone.
RE: WTF!!! How stupid can things get?? -
seasidewolf - 16-02-08
adidasanth Wrote:...British Govt are tw@'s of the highest order!....
But one or two of their employees are OK!
RE: WTF!!! How stupid can things get?? -
cracky - 16-02-08
if people want to smoke, they smoke, if like me you wanted to quit then quit, you dont need this shit, what a load of old bollox!
RE: WTF!!! How stupid can things get?? -
reid - 16-02-08
I can see this helping people who want to give up but it's ridiculous. I'm not a smoker but being forced to get a license is...I don't even have words for it. It's retarded.
RE: WTF!!! How stupid can things get?? -
pokey27 - 16-02-08
Its kinda like biting the hand that feeds you!!so all smokers quit then where do the goverment get all them lovely taxes smokers pay from????oh thats right they'd tax something else then all them none smokers moan about increase in taxes that had to happen due to everyone quitting!!
p.s gets me ciggies off a guy in a blue van everysunday morning in asda's car park!!so dont u dare say i dont do me bit lol hahaha
RE: WTF!!! How stupid can things get?? -
mr.pure - 16-02-08
Doesn't sound too well thought out to me.
Smokers do disproportionately use more health resources than other people but then they pay more tax through smoking in the first place.
This scheme is fucking pointless !
RE: WTF!!! How stupid can things get?? -
seasidewolf - 16-02-08
pokey27 Wrote:p.s gets me ciggies off a guy in a blue van everysunday morning in asda's car park!!so dont u dare say i dont do me bit lol hahaha
How much would 200 Marlboro Reds be?
RE: WTF!!! How stupid can things get?? -
mr.pure - 16-02-08
There's a thing called smokers club UK and they can get you fags cheap, legally !
RE: WTF!!! How stupid can things get?? -
adidasanth - 16-02-08
these seem alright, thort about it b4:
RE: WTF!!! How stupid can things get?? -
seasidewolf - 16-02-08
adidasanth Wrote:these seem alright, thort about it b4:
Did it a year ago, ordered 400, got a delivery of 120, the rest were seized by customs, & I got a snotty letter from HMRC!
RE: WTF!!! How stupid can things get?? -
woody - 17-02-08
WTF??? Why would you even bother getting one? They gonna ID random people now to see if they have a license to smoke?
And £10??? Is that gonna cover the admin costs and actual cost of such a license nowadays??? And the cost to police it??? Hell no! A provisional drving license is £40+ innit now?
The daft bastards
RE: WTF!!! How stupid can things get?? -
AdiMac - 17-02-08
They must need the money to pay for the buy out of Northern Rock
If they want to stop people smoking just make it illegal and get school kids to happy slap and kick all people caught with a fag on the spot, film it and post it on U-Tube and charge the public to watch it!!!
RE: WTF!!! How stupid can things get?? -
Sneakerphile - 18-02-08
This passive-agressive bullshit really grinds my nuts.
F*cking government wants to look out for our health by coming up with all these ingenious ways of helping us poor saps quit smoking (because will-power is hard to come by these days, apparently!) but then they have the nerve to raise the tax on cigarettes every damn year! If you don't want us to smoke,
Of course non of these ass-clowns would ever consider this direct approche, because, surprise surprise, they want to keep getting all the tax! Shit-heads will kill us all if there was a profit to made.
I'll stop smoking when they stop telling me to!
RE: WTF!!! How stupid can things get?? -
reid - 18-02-08
Not forgetting the massive unrest it would cause. Outright banning would result in action. A move like this results in grumbling and general acceptance