Hong Kong - Sneaker Street (Apologies) -
Keeop - 03-01-08
Sorry, I'm sure this question has cropped up thousands of times on this forum but after seeing how many Hong Kong related posts there are I thought it would be easier to ask the question again.
I'm off to HK in May - has anyone been to 'Sneaker Street'? Is it worth the effort or is it just a haven for fakes trying to catch the not so educated out?
Anyone know aywhere else in HK worth visiting (which sells Undftd gear)? and anywhere in Kuala Lumpur?
These places will be visited as part of my honeymoon so trainer shopping will need to be done SAS stylee (in and out very quickly, with no trace of me ever being there).
RE: Hong Kong - Sneaker Street (Apologies) -
Lorrie - 03-01-08
isn't D-Mop in HK?
If so, I'd go there. Otherwise I'd make sure I didn't buy any fakes because supporting fakers is wrong.
RE: Hong Kong - Sneaker Street (Apologies) -
mr.pure - 03-01-08
Just get down to Causeway Bay, most of what you want is down there.
Don't take long on the train.
RE: Hong Kong - Sneaker Street (Apologies) -
flyingcod - 03-01-08
You could also take on board the tips and hints the kind people on here dish out from time to time (eg - checking heel nipples, etc). Also go onto Mr ShoeShotta's site and lookup what to spot when checking for fakes.
RE: Hong Kong - Sneaker Street (Apologies) -
DIALEKT - 03-01-08
dont bother with anywhere in kuala lumpaur bro everything there is fake! an if it aint its so expensive no1 there will buy it
trust me i used to live there
RE: Hong Kong - Sneaker Street (Apologies) -
olstar - 04-01-08
wow make sure you take pictures of your journey, and share them with us when you return
RE: Hong Kong - Sneaker Street (Apologies) -
Guiding Star - 04-01-08
olstar Wrote:wow make sure you take pictures of your journey, and share them with us when you return
My thoughts exactly
RE: Hong Kong - Sneaker Street (Apologies) -
Keeop - 04-01-08
Is that pictures of sneaker related items in HK or me and my missus frolicking around on the beach of the malaysian leg of the 'tour'?
RE: Hong Kong - Sneaker Street (Apologies) - PinkRose1234 - 08-10-09
You could aswell yield on lath the tips and hints the affectionate humans on actuality bowl out from time to time (eg - blockage heel nipples, etc). Aswell go assimilate Mr ShoeShotta's website and lookup what to atom if blockage for fakes.
Atlas travel insurance
RE: Hong Kong - Sneaker Street (Apologies) -
nikosg - 08-10-09
someone delete this focker...
RE: Hong Kong - Sneaker Street (Apologies) -
Shellshock - 08-10-09
Eh? Another one of those autotune-spambot-robo-deluxe-new-members has infiltrated the forum. This one is a fan of Shotta!
RE: Hong Kong - Sneaker Street (Apologies) -
steve-o - 08-10-09
I once atom if blockage of fakes... but a high fibre breakfast cleared it right up
RE: Hong Kong - Sneaker Street (Apologies) -
Battosai - 08-10-09
That's some kind of translation script, ain't it?
like when you try to tranlsate European languages with a free online translator to hilarious effect.
Interesting what kind of gibberish that translator generates..
If that's all automatically generated (that they can register etc via script) maybe Olstar can look at getting one of those verification thingy's that make you type in a code before they'll let you register?
Seems like those fakers have got this site in their sights, so to speak.
RE: Hong Kong - Sneaker Street (Apologies) -
Sweet_Kicks - 08-10-09
Its actually a stupid translation of FC's post a little further up
RE: Hong Kong - Sneaker Street (Apologies) -
Sneakerphile - 08-10-09
Fucking awesome reserection! It was like reading something from Engrish.com
Actually made me LOL for real. "blockage heel nipples, etc" ROFLMAO
Thats gonna be my new signature now.