RE: Bidding etiquette. -
woody - 08-05-07
Anything better for customers is not ebay's bag at all
RE: Bidding etiquette. -
deftoned - 08-05-07
But doesn't ebay work off a commission based fee? this would mean that auctions could extend and go for much higher prices than if someone bid in the last ten seconds and scored a bargain and ebay would make more money.
The system has it's good sides and bad sides, good is that if someone trys to bid over you in the dying seconds then you have a chance to claim it back, but then they could do the same. It's bad cos you can end up paying tons more than if the auction had ended with your bid in the dying seconds.
RE: Bidding etiquette. -
stylz - 09-05-07
As a buyer i'm glad e-bay don't do that, it's better for bargain hunting.
Sellers would obviously prefer it though.
RE: Bidding etiquette. -
sniperschool - 09-05-07
stop mentioning the missy's
it's making me mad

RE: Bidding etiquette. -
Ads - 09-05-07
Dont know if this has been covered already but whats peoples opinion on snipe sites then, that bid in the last few seconds for you. I've used them a bit

(ez sniper) and sure on some auctions it keeps the final price far lower than early bidding.
Sorry guys but I think its impossible to regulate auctions between forum members, probably only a tiny percentage of bidders are members on here.
If theres something I really want i'll use the snipe option and bid high.
Its everyman for himself on ebay for me, you win some and you lose some!
RE: Bidding etiquette. -
mr.pure - 09-05-07
Well that's fine for you but some of us have a certain amount of honour and I for one will stand aside if a half decent member on here has bid on something I'm interested in.
RE: Bidding etiquette. -
Ads - 09-05-07
Commendable Mr Pure, but would people do the same for you?
This whole site probably attracts many watchers (non members), who use it as a tip off for good deals and links to ebay items, i'm pretty certain many could not give a monkeys that a forum member was already bidding on items.
You could hold back and not bid honouring another member only to lose out to a last minute bidder who was initially tipped off from here or someone who is not even aware of superstardb. Both of you lose then.
On ebay its part of the whole ethos, you are competing with people, you bid what you want, if you win you win, if not tough..
Sorry but honour or integrity does not come into it for me, everyone is playing by the same rules.
RE: Bidding etiquette. -
mr.pure - 09-05-07
Well, I know the main people I'm bidding against in here and we seem to have an understanding about it.
Obviously other people outside this forum may bid in which case I'll take my usual chances.
No point in bidding against people I would deem to call a mate only to drive the price up for either of us.
RE: Bidding etiquette. -
Ads - 09-05-07
I hear ya.. plus due to size you are usually bidding against the same people, it'd be chaos if it was 'one size fits all'.
It seems that i'm lucky in as much as there are not that many size 8/8.5's on here.

But how many 'watchers' are there?
RE: Bidding etiquette. -
mr.pure - 09-05-07
Don't care, I got no loyalties to any lurkers.
RE: Bidding etiquette. -
woody - 09-05-07
mr.pure Wrote:Well that's fine for you but some of us have a certain amount of honour and I for one will stand aside if a half decent member on here has bid on something I'm interested in.
RE: Bidding etiquette. -
woody - 09-05-07
Ads Wrote:This whole site probably attracts many watchers (non members), who use it as a tip off for good deals and links to ebay items, i'm pretty certain many could not give a monkeys that a forum member was already bidding on items.
Which is why the posting of ebay links needs to stop.
RE: Bidding etiquette. -
the_marsbar - 09-05-07
otherwise we should avoid those lurkers by making the forum not readable for non-members. if that is possible?
by the way: if i reckognize a name from here bidding on something i definately won't bid on that item. but if you won't list your names that'll be kinda difficult

anyways, i am bidding on a few items at the moment, and since i was the first who saw them, god help the poor bastard bidding on them
RE: Bidding etiquette. -
mr.pure - 09-05-07
If I'm really wanting something from now on I'm gonna put a low bid on it to indicate my interest.
I think you'll recognise me when I bid.
You wouldn't recognise Shelltoes though fella.
RE: Bidding etiquette. -
busaboy23 - 09-05-07
mr.pure Wrote:Well that's fine for you but some of us have a certain amount of honour and I for one will stand aside if a half decent member on here has bid on something I'm interested in.
here here!!