RE: Things that make your blood boil -
cracky - 01-04-09
A week ago i offered that robrim fella £65 all in for those size 8.5 nyl's he said he wanted £68, what the fuck, i said he can keep them, he said its my loss, ha ha ha ha ha, so fucking glad someone on here got them cheap, greedy twat
RE: Things that make your blood boil -
mr.pure - 02-04-09
That'd be Streak.
Haha, funny as fuck.
I'm going to pick my stuff up off Robrim later today.
RE: Things that make your blood boil -
streak - 02-04-09
^^ me too. Turn your phone on P..
RE: Things that make your blood boil -
mr.pure - 02-04-09
Heard from him, all things are a go for after 2.
RE: Things that make your blood boil -
streak - 02-04-09
Cool.. What time you gonna be in town.. Still 12?
RE: Things that make your blood boil -
mr.pure - 02-04-09
I'll be there before then but still got meeting at 2, albeit brief.
RE: Things that make your blood boil -
pokey27 - 02-04-09
See if you can sneak out some of them made in paris 1s i got outbid for
RE: Things that make your blood boil -
laci - 02-04-09
Ok I just need to vent and it is totally off the topic of Superstars but I cant vent to my normal places because it could get back to my company! LOL
There is a new consultant that just signed in my area in the last 3 weeks. I have been the main consultant and everyone in this area is on my team. Well she signed up and has taken the entire company by storm. She should have been my consultant because I am sure she found the info about our company thru me since I am the only one in this area but someone else took her-- totally different subject. I have a group of about 7 girls in my town and we average about $4000 a month in sales as a team. This girl comes in in her first 3 weeks and supposedly sells over $7000 herself. I think something is fishy but I cant say anything because everyone in the company just thinks she is so wonderful and is falling all over her. I have talked to her and think she is a very nice person but something about her doesn't come across as straight up. I am not a jealous person but I cant figure out how in 3 weeks she is able to sell so much in the same town that the rest of us are struggling in a bit. It isnt jealousy-- its just that something doesn't sit right with my womans intuition.
I just cant put my finger on it! I dont know-- it just chaps my ass that she has made us all look like we dont even work or are not even trying. Now I can't even get my sponsor to return my calls because she is too wrapped up in the new girl and herself! UGH! I am just pissed and need to vent. Thanks! LOL
RE: Things that make your blood boil -
reid - 02-04-09
Failing to get yet another job due to "lack of experience".
RE: Things that make your blood boil -
Sweet_Kicks - 02-04-09
Pisser Reid
Sorry to hear that fella!
RE: Things that make your blood boil -
echoofthebunnymen - 02-04-09
Failing to remember that I have not washed my new pair of jeans. Kickin from whites to blues in one easy day.....
RE: Things that make your blood boil -
mr.pure - 03-04-09
Sounds like a nightmare Laci.
Is it not possible she's just using different sales techniques and angles to the ones you guys were working.
She might be employing NLP techniques for example.
Loads of people are these days.
RE: Things that make your blood boil -
pokey27 - 03-04-09
Having a bad sleeping week again!!!2nd day in a row i've gone to bed 7.30am and been up b4 11am!!
Not impressed thats for sure.
Oh and some ebayer who seems to have decided not actually post my item i won and paid for and to just keep the money as a gift from england!!Dispute time
RE: Things that make your blood boil -
mr.pure - 03-04-09
Members posting details of limited releases for all the fucking lurkers to read !
RE: Things that make your blood boil -
pokey27 - 03-04-09
Hope thats nothing to do with me posting info on the snake 80s pure??Feel free to delete the post if it is but @ £89.99 drop price (expensive in my eyes) am sure we'll all get a pair who wants them