RE: New Facebook account -
DasBill - 09-06-09
Aw now we cant keep reminding Shellshock! Gutted.
RE: New Facebook account -
spitey - 09-06-09
Mr.Pure, i felt i needed tormenting.
Das Bill, of course ya can
RE: New Facebook account -
Shellshock - 09-06-09
Oh my, that's quite a confession to make Spitey! Still, a bit like any other addiction/perversion, the first step to recovery is always an admission of the fact that you do have a problem. I mean, even with one of the dopest, most most illest collection of quality Supes in the world you still felt the need to get down and dirty with a pair of Supermodifieds, that makes you one sick puppy my friend. Reminds me of that time when Hugh Grant was going out with Liz Hurley, who was at the time one of the finest MILFs alive yet still got caught with his pants down in a car with a filthy 2-bit crack-whore clamped to his cock!
RE: New Facebook account -
spitey - 09-06-09
i have always felt at one with dirty crack whores. MMMMMmmmmmmm Liz Hurley.
RE: New Facebook account -
cracky - 09-06-09
Mmmmm Liz Hurleys crack
p.s Mr Spite, you have let all of us down, but mostly yourself, i thought you were better than that mate!
RE: New Facebook account -
pokey27 - 09-06-09
Just when you think you know someone they go and shock the shit outta ya
Dunno about anyone else but i feel slightly durty knowing i've actually read spitey's posts on ssdb and all the time he was hiding them in his locker
RE: New Facebook account -
DasBill - 09-06-09
Y'know what i blame ShellShock!
He's had a terrible effect on us all by trying to make supermods acceptable! He's already got Mr Spite turned!
Shame on you ShellShock!
RE: New Facebook account -
Samo - 09-06-09
I blame society
RE: New Facebook account -
Lorrie - 09-06-09
I'm blaming gangsta rap.
RE: New Facebook account -
streak - 09-06-09
RE: New Facebook account -
spitey - 09-06-09
oh well. out of truth comes sadness.
i feel i have let you all down , with my shameful secret. i must walk this dark path alone or maybe with shellshock if he so wishes to join me. we can seek out new shit shoes to wear. to skip freely together, holding hands. yeah `the shit shoe data base`
RE: New Facebook account -
DasBill - 09-06-09
Sorry Spite, we dont have a thread for you and ShellShock labeled: Today I'll mostly be wearing shit adidas!
RE: New Facebook account -
Shellshock - 09-06-09
You know what Spitey, they all talk a good game but I reckon it’s all just macho posturing and trying to look hard on the internet. Lads, admit it, the joy you used to get from popping the tags on a boxfresh pair just ain’t there anymore. I’m right aren’t I? Even the Supes you’ve spent years tracking down, your Holy Grail, The Numero Uno, they just doesn’t give you that same feeling like they used to. You’re just going through the motions Missionary-Man style but the passion, the excitement, it’s all gone. You’re all played out and right now you need something else in your life. Something new and exciting to achieve that same euphoric high.
That’s where the supermodified comes in. You secretly buy a pair. You put them on. It feels good. I mean, really good. Why? Because it’s taboo. It’s forbidden. It’s shameful. It’s the love that dare not speak it’s name. It’s your dirty little secret. You know you really shouldn’t but you can’t help it. Once again you get that elusive high you’ve been searching so long for. Life is good again.
Secretly, perhaps even subconsciously, you all want the Supermodified, you covet it, you lust after it. You just don’t know it yet. Many of you won’t ever have the conviction, honesty or guts to admit it to yourselves but for those that do, it’s a life changing experience you’ll never forget. Search your feelings, you know it to be true. Come. Join us...
RE: New Facebook account -
streak - 09-06-09
RE: New Facebook account -
DasBill - 09-06-09
See, if yer had some kind of buffet too, id be sold, but personally id turn you away like so many disappointed gypseys and jehovah's witnesses that come to me door