RE: Things that make your blood boil -
GeeBee - 10-02-13
Often just a UK exclusive is it not? Which, these days, equates to being not that exclusive.
RE: Things that make your blood boil -
vox - 10-02-13
Yep, when they say exclusive they mean for the UK region.
RE: Things that make your blood boil -
Poor Sod - 10-02-13
Aha I see... Didn't know that. Sorry Size?!
RE: Things that make your blood boil -
Poor Sod - 10-02-13
Hope to spread this among everybody who are tempted to buy the Size?-Trimm Trabs from resellers:
"Please accept my apologies that your order was cancelled and refunded. We are due to restock this item towards the end of March.
Kind Regards
size? Customer Services"
RE: Things that make your blood boil -
pukkabruv - 14-02-13
senior management have wasted £4m on a project that doesn't work, anyone on the shop floor could have told them that, but no. they go ahead with the idea... now the company has to make cut backs as it needs to recoup the money, 2 people in my department have to go (there's only 5 of us) and none of us had anything to do with the project, as far as i know the managers are still doing other projects at a different depot now. wankers.
might be a few size 8's up for grabs in a month if im one of the 2... either way its shit news as they are a good team and none of us would want to see anyone leave. fucking typical that the ones responsible don't take any of the impact from their failings
RE: Things that make your blood boil -
GeeBee - 14-02-13
Hope things pick up for you fella . . . the way of the world that those responsible make sure they cover their backs for when it fucks up . . . that's project management innit!
RE: Things that make your blood boil -
pukkabruv - 14-02-13
Cheers mate, I'm more qualified than a few of them in the department, and never take sick leave, but I've been in the department for the least amount if time, 4yrs. But you never know what criteria they are working to when it comes to deciding who goes
RE: Things that make your blood boil -
benji - 14-02-13
Yes good luck with that mate.
RE: Things that make your blood boil -
Lorrie - 14-02-13
Good luck, fella.
RE: Things that make your blood boil -
Samo - 14-02-13
Sorry to hear that PB, hang in there man! Good luck!
RE: Things that make your blood boil -
Shellshock - 14-02-13
That's fucked up PB, never a good situation to be in, even if you survive the cuts. Good luck bro.
RE: Things that make your blood boil -
Marco82 - 14-02-13
Good luck mate!
RE: Things that make your blood boil -
Lurkzilla - 15-02-13
Fingers crossed for ya PB!
RE: Things that make your blood boil -
Tifoso - 15-02-13
Good luck, pukka. Please keep us posted.
RE: Things that make your blood boil -
pukkabruv - 15-02-13
Cheers guys.