RE: New boys -
Big J - 11-03-10
We can still say cunt though, right?
RE: New boys -
steve-o - 11-03-10
you can usually tell a good noob from a douche noob
seriously, if someone wants to disrespect the rules that are all over the front page and on the forum about introducing themselves before demanding answers to thier useless questions then have a piss poor attitude when they dont get what they want then they can get the fudge out
theres been quite a lot of new members lately and they've fitted in really well, but as I've said before, for every one good new member theres half a dozen dingleberries
RE: New boys -
Old Gregg - 11-03-10
Would it not just be easier to have a rule saying that all pointless and stupid threads should be ignored and left for a mod to deal with, apart from maybe a polite nudge in the way of the intros thread, which lets be honest is easier to do than wadding in with fuck of cuntface. Surely if we don't respond they're more likely to leave of there own accord than if we insult them which just seems to give them cause to hang around to reply.
But some people do ask for it like the twat with the fuck off lorrie intro

you could tell he was a knob from the start
RE: New boys -
Sneakerpimp - 11-03-10
(11-03-10, 01:39 PM)Big J Wrote: We can still say cunt though, right?
I love you BigJ, don't ever change fella!
(11-03-10, 04:33 PM)Old Gregg Wrote: Would it not just be easier to have a rule saying that all pointless and stupid threads should be ignored and left for a mod to deal with, apart from maybe a polite nudge in the way of the intros thread, which lets be honest is easier to do than wadding in with fuck of cuntface. Surely if we don't respond they're more likely to leave of there own accord than if we insult them which just seems to give them cause to hang around to reply.
But some people do ask for it like the twat with the fuck off lorrie intro
you could tell he was a knob from the start
Well said
RE: New boys -
Lorrie - 11-03-10
I forgot about that already.
And again, I admit to having a go at some of these guys so I wasn't probably the right person to start this thread, but I think it had to be said all the same and I'm big enough to take any (well deserved?) flamings from y'all.
RE: New boys -
ez-1 - 11-03-10
I'm totally with you guys, but if we are going to take this new path then what happens to all the popcorns? And SS will get lonely when there is no-one we can sent to the corner to keep him company
RE: New boys -
MJF - 11-03-10
(11-03-10, 04:33 PM)Old Gregg Wrote: fuck of(f) cuntface.
hee hee that makes me chuckle
RE: New boys -
mr.pure - 12-03-10
Hang about here guys and girls.
Firstly, I'm no Hitler.
I'm more of a Genghis Khan.
Secondly, yes, you can still say cunt.
Thirdly, I've seen or heard no evidence to suggest the older members are visiting less cos of the way we treat noobs.
They've moved on a little as their priorities have changed and they can't be bothered to wade through the tidal wave of posts anymore.
We tried saying don't bother to answer the idiots but they just start numerous new threads afterwards and some people just ignored the idea and said hello to the idiots anyway.
The forum works and will keep on working cos we're all a bit mental.
Having said that, I'm still up for a lockdown and entrance exam.
We sure as fuck wouldn't get anymore idiots through the door as new members would know it was a privilege not a right.
RE: New boys -
Big J - 12-03-10
I think some sort of lockdown is needed. Even just access to the intro thread or something, if it's good, they get in, if they don't, tough shit.
RE: New boys -
Sneakerpimp - 12-03-10
Who Dares Wins, I like it
RE: New boys -
pokey27 - 12-03-10
I agree with everything old gregg said pretty much but also think your onto a winner with some sort of lockdown only letting new members be able to post in the intro's thread or certain other threads...Closing the forum off to new members completely is a NO NO though as just going on lurky and whiskey and all there fresh new idea's/input shows there's some great superstar addicts out there still to find ssdb.
RE: New boys -
steve-o - 12-03-10
locking it to the intro section is a great idea!
RE: New boys -
Big J - 12-03-10
Yeah I've no problem with new members at all, like Pokey says there's still a regular intake of decent folk. Even if we say lock the intro thread (I say we, I mean mods and people with actual power!), and somehow make the rest of the forum visible, ie thread titles, but don't let people see the content. That way they'd be more motivated to make a bit of an effort once they see what resources are available to people who actually try.
RE: New boys -
nic - 12-03-10
(12-03-10, 09:14 AM)mr.pure Wrote: Hang about here guys and girls.
Firstly, I'm no Hitler.
I'm more of a Genghis Khan.
Secondly, yes, you can still say cunt.
Thirdly, I've seen or heard no evidence to suggest the older members are visiting less cos of the way we treat noobs.
They've moved on a little as their priorities have changed and they can't be bothered to wade through the tidal wave of posts anymore.
We tried saying don't bother to answer the idiots but they just start numerous new threads afterwards and some people just ignored the idea and said hello to the idiots anyway.
The forum works and will keep on working cos we're all a bit mental.
Having said that, I'm still up for a lockdown and entrance exam.
We sure as fuck wouldn't get anymore idiots through the door as new members would know it was a privilege not a right.
Im not moving on .................................. I came back!!!!!
Oh God help you all!
RE: New boys -
walton240 - 12-03-10
i think i would have struggled with a test but i would be ok now, after learning so much from you guys and my collection is coming on nicely, but just the intro section would be good idea then you can decide as j said cunts from genuie people who want to get it soops