So you're wearing your new Suede kicks and it starts to rain, but you gotta get somewhere in a hurry..what do you do:
wait for the downpour to stop, no matter how long it takes. ( 0 votes ) 0%
Take off and cover your kicks so they don't get wet, whilst running to the car ( 6 votes ) 15.79%
Take the hit - hope the kicks are not ruined and get where you gotta go ( 6 votes ) 15.79%
Run as fast as you can with your kicks on to car or public transport ( 1 votes ) 2.63%
Check the weather beforehand. You're smart like that. ( 21 votes ) 55.26%
Sheesh... What is the world coming to.. it's only rain for funk's sake.. ( 4 votes ) 10.53%
Total:: 38 vote(s) (100%)